A Conversation for Ask h2g2

If Scotland left...

Post 1


This question came up over a few glasses of Edradour...

If Scotland were to leave Great Britain, could Scotland still be part of the United Kingdom?

Any thoughts would be welcome.

If Scotland left...

Post 2


The Channel Islands I believe aren't technically part of the UK or Great Britain, but Crown Dependencies, so I wonder if Scotland could fall into the same categorysmiley - huh

But the SNP's loss at the election strongly implies that the majority are against a second independence referendum.


If Scotland left...

Post 3


Isn't Great Britain the island ? smiley - huh

So if Scotland left Great Britain, it could still be in the UK, the same as Northern Ireland, right ?
(But that would imply a massive tectonic move or something).

Or am I missing / misundertanding something ?

If Scotland left...

Post 4


Scotland is associated to england in two ways, the current political unification the Acts of Union the Union with Scotland Act 1706 decreed by the English Parliament, and the Scottish Union with England Act of 1707.

If this act is dissolved there is an alternative reason to stay part of the United Kingdom and be ruled by an independent Scottish Parliament.

The fact that the royal family is both Scottish and English this could easily allow Scotland to remain part of the UK as they have the same monarch.

If Scotland left...

Post 5

Icy North

Yes, but aren't most separatists republicans?

If Scotland left...

Post 6


I am not so sure Icy it's difficult to be accurate, but there is a strong support for Royals, much more than the Westminster government.

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