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Printer help please!

Post 1


I have an Epson SX445W connect to usb on my imac osX lion. Until yesterdy it was working fine. Now it's developed a problem - starts printing then stops & says communication error.
If I pause, then restart it has then successfully printed, now it seems to have stopped doing that.
I've re-installed drivers, switched it off & on, unplugged & replugged cables.
Any other (sensible) suggestions?

Printer help please!

Post 2


Aha, further reinstall of software & restart seems to have fixed the problem - for now!

Printer help please!

Post 3


I see this printer has WiFi. It is just possible that the printer is advertising itself for wireless connections and this is confusing the MAC, even though the device is actually connected via USB. If you don't use the WiFi on the printer then it might be worth seeing if there is a setting that disables it.

On the other hand you could configure the WiFi properly and throw the USB cable away.

Printer help please!

Post 4


Thanks, I'll have a look at that.

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