A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

Gruesome #1 has to make a presentation on this practice. Apparently children are maimed in some way (blinded, arm cut off etc) in order that they are more effective at begging.

AFAIK it was a theme in the film Slumdog Millionaire?

I know what the german term for it is, but when I search, I don't get any reliable or creditable information back.

So I thought I'd try it in English - only to find out i haven't a clue what it would be called.

So, oh great h2g2 - 2 questions:

1) what is the term in English

2) does anyone have any idea where I can find information? (I was thinking something like Save the Children or UNICEF)

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Here's a Daily Mail article about it:


They don't have any special term for it, referring to it as 'deliberate crippling'.

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

I hope I can find something else smiley - smiley

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 4


Try this search


It will give you a good amount of information

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 5

Sho - employed again!

"mutilation" - thank you! that's the word my brain couldn't come up with. smiley - senior

Purposefully maiming children in India

Post 6


Glad to help smiley - ok

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