A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 21

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

and anyone'd think I'd been already imbibing looking back at my previous post and the typos smiley - silly

Slippery Nipples are very, very nice. smiley - drunk

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 22

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

smiley - ill Sweet alcohol is an abomination. It's plenty enough tasty as it is. smiley - smiley

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 23


One of my most drunken moments was caused by a german drink that has icecream in it. Plus large quantities of alcohol, obviously.

But I remember most of that evening, I didn't do anything too embarassing.

My worst alcohol embarassment was being sick on Greenwich station at about 18:00 after a day's wine tasting.smiley - blush

It was the white port wot did it.

I can still remember it though - the look of pity and disgust on the faces of the others on the platform... Not a good moment.


How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 24

clzoomer- a bit woobly

The first time I got sick was when I was relatively young. A group of us were in a sports event in a strange city and someone asked someone older to buy us something to drink. In a flash of brilliance or a cruel choice our benefactor used our combined money to purchace the rather vile antipodean elixer "Emu 999". Since then I have only been sick when I have made myself sick by sticking fingers down my throat. That was my brother in law's suggestion when I showed up drunk on my 21st birthday for a dinner my sister had made.

As to my memory after the fact, it all seems to come back eventually. Generally when I get too drunk I tend just to fall asleep, which is not a bad thing unless you are somehow potentially in danger. Darwin award stuff, really. smiley - smiley

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 25

McKay The Disorganised

Alas - I remember with fearful clarity what has occured the night before - though on one occasion I woke up to find I was in bed - naked, excpt for boots. My jeans were in pieces on the floor.

No idea.

smiley - cider

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 26

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Woke up in girlfriendĀ“s bed, sixty miles from where I had started the binge. She never explained.

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 27


I can't drink enough to get memory loss. I'm tiddly after less than a pint these days.

smiley - fairy

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 28


For some reason I'm terrible with faces when drunk. If I meet someone new while drunk, I could tell you the next day everything we talked about. I couldn't pick them out of a line up though.

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

After tasting the RL version of smiley - pggb at the Manchester Meet, I stuck to my old trusty G&Ts - those never make me feel hung over the next day, and they've never caused memory loss - so far...

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 30

Bald Bloke


Could it be you just don't remember G&T's causing loss of memory smiley - pggb

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 31

Titania (gone for lunch)

Pffftt! The only memory trouble I experience is the same as when I'm sober - names of people, regardless of if it's their online names or RL names. Happens to me so often I'd like to have a condition specified as 'namelexia'.

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 32

Titania (gone for lunch)


smiley - nahnah

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 33

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Unfortunately I always seem to remember posting something stupid here when I've had a few too menay. Pity it is always in the morning. Another reason I shouldn't be posting at 12:00 PM here when it is 8:00 AM there.
smiley - drunksmiley - yikessmiley - bigeyes

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 34

clzoomer- a bit woobly

One too many.

No I haven't.

Later, perhaps.

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 35

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 36

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )


How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 37

Titania (gone for lunch)

Same procedure as every year, James *didn't even need to check the video for that one, it runs on TV every New Year's Eve in Sweden*

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 38


I used to worry a lot about making an arse of myself when I was pretty young. I could pretty much remember everything that happened, bar a few rather hazy details. Then one day I wondered what I was so worried about. Since that day, I tend not to remember much.

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 39


Everything between July 1983 and January 1997 is either very hazy, or missing entirely smiley - erm

Ah vodka, why didn't Barry Manilow sing of you? smiley - cheers

How much do you remember after drinking?

Post 40

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

He did. Try to remember.

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