A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 1

Icy North

Don't hold back.

I'll kick off with Daventry.

Beat that. smiley - biggrin

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 2

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")


Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 3


Marne-la-Vallée, not the Disneyland part of it.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 4



Without any shade or shadow of doubt I think it unarguably the dullest place on earth. Most of their tourism provision seems based around how very proud they are to be the headquarters of the EU - yay.

Also the only city I've ever visited where the following is true:

1. they have a globally famous tourist "attraction" in the city
2. it is possible, within sight of said attraction, to buy a replica thereof
3. some of the replicas you can buy are bigger and more impressive than the original.

If there is a hell, a place of eternal torture, geological epochs spent there could not rival for psychological damage the sheer inanity of a weekend spent in Brussels.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 5


I've bought a replica of the Eiffel tower which was larger than the original. I think it got lost last time I moved house though.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 6

Icy North

I bought one which was identical in topological form.

I use it to grate cheese.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 7

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Similar to SoRB's - Belgium.

It wasn't Belgium's fault. We got up early and flew to Brussels. Got on a train to Bruges. Got picked up at the station and taken to a tram factory. Went for an over-long and dull lunch. Went and saw the trams for half an hour (actually - that part was quite interesting. A shed full of full-size tram models for all over the world), had a long and dull meeting, got taken to the station, took the train from Bruges to Brussels airport, flew back home.

It was like Ringo Starr's line in 'A Hard Day's Night':

'They told me in this job I'd see the world. So far I've seen a room, a car, a train, another car and another room.'

smiley - sadface I never even saw the alcoves in the Astridpark. You use this word, alcoves?

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 8

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I quite liked Brussels, however I was only there for a few evenings and was happy just to wander from hotel to the grand place, eat moules frites and return to my hotel. I was similarly unimpressed with the "attraction" that Hoo is referring to.

Naples central business district, dull because it closed at 4.30 (I formed quite strong impressions of the Italian work ethic while I was there) and it was too dangerous to go anywhere on my own.


Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 9


Herm & Sark in the Channel Islands.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

Paju. The middle of the DMZ - we could see North Korean naval ships... or maybe Gumi, Factories as far as the eye can see (but then: being in Korea is usually pretty good)


oh wait: Hohne.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 11

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Many, many conferences in hotels which were all identical in their grey corporateness. Identical breakfasts, conference rooms. There were all so uninteresting that I've blanked which cities they were in.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 12


smiley - laugh

Brussels is better to live in than visit. When I have guests I tend to take them to the Sablons, or do a bit of a guided tour - "this was where the Maison de la Peuple, Horta's finest building was knocked down... Here the king demolished 2000 houses to build Hitler's favourite piece of architecture..."

That kind of thing. Lots of good eating and drinking places though.

Have done so many airport - hotel - conference centre - airport trips I don't count them.

Kolding in Denmark was pretty dull, and Kassel in Germany didn't seem to have much going for it. Luxembourg is boring.


Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 13


Counting frozen chickens on New Years Eve in a giant freezer. Stoopit supermarkets who have 31 December accounting year ends smiley - run

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 14


Bland hotels in:


Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 15

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Well I say it's a damn poor mind that can't find a way to make a conference trip exciting. The trick is usually not to mix with the other delegates.

If necessary - don't even attend the sessions. They give you the proceedings.

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 16

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


I'm often in Bristol for business. All I can say is...you need to pick your hotels better. smiley - ok

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 17


It was when I worked for the Bank of Scotland, and they just went for the cheapest Travel lodge nearest the Bank of Scotland.
Mind you, Paul McCartney often stays in hotels like Premier Travel Inns and he just takes lots of candles and his own decorations with him, so perhaps I should try doing that in future. I don't get sent anywhere in my current job much.


Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 18



I like Brussels. smiley - sadface

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 19


Especially the waffles.smiley - winkeye

Least interesting place your work has taken you?

Post 20

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.


Nuff said.

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