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I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 121


There are two songs in particular whose lyrics make me swoon.
In Belle & Sebastian's "Like Dylan In The Movies," Stuart Murdoch sings
"And you're worth the trouble
And you're worth the pain
You're worth the worry
I would do the same
If we all went back to another time
I would love you over." Gasp. I love those lyrics.

Also the entirety of Morphine's "The Night." I consider it one of the most exquisite love songs ever. Mark Sandman sings
"You're the night, Lilah
You're everything that we can't see
Lilah, you're the possibility."

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 122

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Gosh...."The Night" was the "B" side of an old Cliff hit, "Wind me up let me go"...and it was good enough to be an "A" side {I can hear half the population of h2g2 saying "What's a "B" side?}smiley - groan
*wishes she still had a record-player*
*Singing in her head:
It's in the night,
That I start to think about you,
All the colours of the day
come a-rushing into my mind.
It's in the night,
That I get that lonesome feeling....


Post 123


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I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 124

You can call me TC

I only know one song of theirs (Carter USM) and then I can only remember the video clip (with Don Quixote and Sancho Panza) It really impressed me at the time, but must be too English to have earned more coverage on German MTV or radio

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 125

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Hi! You go away for a few days after posting an innoccuous (sp?) little poem, and you come back, everyone crying. I *never* cry, not even at Bambi's mother...

...Yeah, ok, it makes me cry every time...

Well, songs that make me smile...hmmm...this could ruin any credibility...oh, well:

oh Mickey
yer so FINE
yer so FINE you blow mah MIND
Hey MICKEY (clapclap, clap)
Hey MICKEY (clapclap, clap)...

*grins and bobs head, biting bottom lip*


I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 126


'Moonlight Mile' on Sticky Fingers by the Stones. Serious lump in thrat stuff for me.

Either that or 'Born to Run' by the Boss. For purely nostalgic reasons, you understand. smiley - smiley

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 127

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Just spoke to my boyfriend and he says that Germfree Adolescent always makes him smile. It was by X-ray Specs, and the lead singer was called Poly Styrene, apparently.

Anyone remember this one...?

*blinks youthfully...*


I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 128


Excellent tune; shame about the braces. smiley - winkeye

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 129

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*totally lost*smiley - smiley

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 130


*shares her compass with GB*

I wish someone had written that song for me

Post 131


Let's see....
Song I wish were written for me....
"Miss You In A Heartbeat" -Def Leppard

I'd miss you in a heartbeat
I'd miss you right away
I'd miss you in a heartbeat
Cause it ain't love if it don't feel that way

Song that makes me smile....
"Funzone" -'Weird Al' Yankovic

*no words, just music*
if you're in a funk, put it up and turn up the volume.
if you're not smiling in less than two minutes, there's something wrong with you.

True romance

Post 132

St. Sabryn

"Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls. "I'd do anything you ever dreamed to be complete, little pieces of the nothing that fall" ... not much can top that, in my opinion. Even better than Iris; while I adore that song, it's more the overblown Hollywood idea of love.

Everyone has their own buttons...I guess that one's mine.

True romance

Post 133

You can call me TC

That is VERY subtle. Can't have been written by a male?

True romance

Post 134

a girl called Ben

I remember X-Ray Specks and Poly Styrene - she had scary scary bracews on her teeth. Dont remember the song though. Loved Hey Micky too.
*wishes she hadn't showed her age so clearly*

True romance

Post 135

St. Sabryn

Songs that make me smile... Well, "Slide" did, but love is not my favorite topic right now. So...I would have to go with "And We Danced" by The Hooters. Probably because, at the time it was released, I was old enough to know what it meant, but not really old enough. And it's such a happy song. And I wore out my 45 of "Mickey."

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