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Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 21

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Right about here if I get this thing right (it'd be a first!):


Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 22


Aw, c'mon Do'Do'Dot, I did say grey - not beige smiley - smiley

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 23

A Super Furry Animal

One thing to look out for (and try in the shop if possible) is the delay between pushing the button and getting the picture. Some cameras are particularly bad at this, so you end up missing whatever it was you were photographing. Mine's a Panasonic Lumix, which is quite good, but HI's is a Samsung, which is very slow.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 24

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Fuji smiley - winkeye

Once again, not three bad at all.

I wasn't sure when I got given it but having used it for a while and a few other people's opinions too, all in all a pretty good camera considering it's not a nikon or a canon. Dont pay for a badge you dont need? smiley - winkeye

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 25


I've become increasingly dissatisfied with the results I get with my Ricoh R6 (7MP) compared with other people's prints I've seen & some SLR shots on screen. I'm still not sure if it's handshake, poor choice of settings or the quality of the camera.

A trial of shots at different settings hasn't enlightened me & even with the camera held steady on a flat surface, results are still variable.

I'm wondering about getting a new camera with more MP & a viewfinder. Any thoughts on improving my results?

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 26

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Buy a tripod for the wobble. I picked up a cheap one at Tesco's for £14.

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 27

The Twiggster

My suggestions for things to think about:

Two schools of thought on power:
1. Get something that runs on AA or AAA batteries, and always, ALWAYS carry spares. That way, when they run out, you simply swap 'em out and carry on. Can't do that with a LiPo pack.
2. Get something that has a LiPo pack or similar, and always, ALWAYS leave it charging up when you get home. Those things last practically forever, so as long as you always charge it, it will realistically never run out.

(I use AAs, but mainly because I have to carry a spare set of those for my GPS too.)

Shutter lag: how long is it between pressing the button and taking a picture? I had a cheap camera once that took something like three seconds if the light was low, which was ridiculous. But if you're trying to capture something like a smile on a child or a sporting event, you need zero shutter lag, or as near as you can get to it.

Power up time: how long between pressing "On", and successfully taking a pic? "Proper" cameras, you just take the lens cap off, wind it on and press the button. Digital cameras need to wake up. Some of them take longer than others.

Seconding the advice re: buy a named brand, Canon/Nikon etc.

Things to think about when chosing a Digital Camera

Post 28


I would go for the LiPo pack, I know of so many people with AA/AAA powered cameras where the batteries just die even with recharged ones that the LiPo pack is worth getting. As Tiggy said - always keep it recharged.

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