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Dark City vs Frederick Pohl

Post 1

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)


I watched a great movie called Dark City some time ago, and then recently stumbled across a short-story with basically the same plot. It was called The Tunnel Under the World and was written by Frederick Pohl. Now, I have no where been able to find any relations between the movie and the short-story, even though I can hardly believe they should be independent. So do you ppl know if the movie was inspired by that short-story?

Dark City vs Frederick Pohl

Post 2


The film was really good (well it had Richard O'Brian in it) and well spooky. It seems to have influenced Buffy and had a similar idea to The Matrix. I think I read the short story, is that the one where the hero wakes up after dreaming of flames and has a yacht in his basement?
BCNU - Crescent

Dark City vs Frederick Pohl

Post 3


*Just dropping in*

Dark City vs Frederick Pohl

Post 4

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Yep, that was the one. Thought the movie was better though. Strange pale beings instead of advertisers smiley - smiley But why do you say it has inspired Buffy? Wasn´t it made after the Buffy series, and certainly the movie, had been made?

Dark City vs Frederick Pohl

Post 5


In the latest series (I think) there was the gadgees who thieved everyones voices. They were tall, thin, very pale, long black clothes and floated around. Very very Dark City, and only last year (I think smiley - smiley So I probably should have said inspired a Bufster episode smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

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