A Conversation for Ask h2g2

As you were

Post 41


Is it bright and sparkly?

As you were

Post 42

Wand'rin star

Every so often I go across the border to have my hair done - primarily because the (very low) cost includes head and neck massage.
Yesterday's rather prologed session produced an absolute firework display behind my eyelids - fantastic experience altogether. smiley - star

As you were

Post 43


Which border is this?

The colour behind your eyelids

Post 44

T´mershi Duween

Just read the backlog, & hi allsmiley - cheers

In bright (day)light I have yellow on top of a smaller purple colour.

When I go to sleep and lie down in the dark it´s a deep purple colourthing resembling a galaxy or amoeba, that comes from the top of my eyelids and dissapears , getting smaller, in the center, and then over again.I can concentrate on it and keep the corlour for a certain amount of time ( 3-5 sec.) being one size, and then let go, and it shoots off, letting another one on.It´s better than counting sheep smiley - smiley

Just tried to close my eyes and turn my lamp on and of quickly for about 2 min. I got a black/yellow/red-ish shifting colour and "looking" straight ahead saw a sort of flowerpattern; perfectly symmetric. Weirdsmiley - doh

In the same line of question is another interesting one without me trying to hi-jack the conversationsmiley - winkeye:

I have always had colours for weekdays, does anyone else have that?

I haven´t researched this IRL. Never thought of it, as it´s just one of those things that seem natural to me, but now that Tabatha posted this very interesting question smiley - elfit seems the right place to put it.

Anyway you´re probably curious about those colours so here they come.
Monday first : Blue, white, white, green, brown w/yellow dots, red, yellow. smiley - wizard

I always wondered about those yellow dots on friday, but they´re there so what can I do.

smiley - aliensmile

T´mershi Duween.


Post 45

Wand'rin star

The border between Hong Kong and mainland China. See A 404281 The world's best haircut (probably) smiley - star

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