A Conversation for Ask h2g2

I dont know!!

Post 41

Freaky Cheeze

You are where ever you want to be... i hardly know where the hell i am half of the time so dont ask me...

I dont know!!

Post 42

You can call me TC

I wish I was, I'm sure my feet would be warmer there.

I dont know!!

Post 43

Freaky Cheeze

smiley - erm
okay where do you want to be?

I dont know!!

Post 44

You can call me TC

Can I say anything?

I dont know!!

Post 45

Freaky Cheeze

I dont know whats goin on and i dont like it!!!!

I dont know!!

Post 46

Freaky Cheeze

....but say what ever you want!!

another question

Post 47

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

A friend lately sent me that question:
Why do people believe you straight away when you tell them that there are 2 trillions of stars up in the sky, but when you tell them that you've just painted that bench overthere, they have to touch it?

another question

Post 48

Feffi (Keeper of playground sunbaths on even days)

well I think this question got lost on the way to a different forum somehow. Anyway.

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