A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Useless Facts

Post 41


You *can* develop an application in a meeting, at least in some kinds of meetings.

We once had a seriously pathetic project manager, of the 'failed programmer' variety, who, in a sad attempt to get people to agree with him at least some of the time, started off every meeting by going over points from the previous meeting that everyone knew had been completely sorted, and making long speeches (which he thought were motivational) about how he wanted the software we were writing to be really good, and then checking to see every single person agreed. Effectively, the meetings were like an isolation chamber for the intellect.

While initally hating the meetings, I soon realised that in the complete absence of any useful or surprising information, I could rapidly attain a mental state somewhere between the Buddhist 'no-mind' and the feeling you get when just about to fall asleep. Once in that state, it was amazingly easy to analyse awkward bugs, or to plan improvements, from a completely different, and most effective perspective. I suppose you could call it an 'out-of-meeting' experience.

Useless Facts

Post 42

Is mise Duncan


Unfortunately I keep getting an "out of my tiny little mind" error in these meetings and it can't be fixed in situe.

Brilliant useless factoid: "Painite" is the worlds rarest gem. Only 3 crystals of it have ever been found.

Useless Facts

Post 43

Mostly Harmless

Cheerful Dragon

Correct, Venus is the only known planet that rotates clockwise.

There are three cards with one eye, the King of diamonds and the Jack of hearts and the Jack of spades, there are no one eyed Queens. The King of hearts is also known as the "suicide king" because his sword is through his head. The king of diamonds also has the distinction of being the only king with a battle-axe instead of a sword. See posting 32 for whom each king represents. The flower that each Queen holds is a particular flower, (i.e. rose, daisy, ...) I not sure which ones though.

Useless Facts

Post 44


Turkeys tend to look up into the sky and open their beaks during heavy downpours. It is not uncommon for them to drown this way.

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