A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 1

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

I have trouble finding these at an affordable price (for obvious reasons). Most of what I do find is for women, and/or has buttons up the front instead of a zipper. I've already been to several websites, including ebay, and I still haven't found quite what I'm looking for. Can someone tell me where I might find a leather trenchcoat (for a man) that has a zipper and an inside pocket? Also, if at all possible, under $100?

smiley - pirate <--- Not a woman

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 2


Gosh I don't think I've ever seen one with a zip instead of buttons!

London street markets are a good source. Not so good if you're not in London, granted.

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 3

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Yeah, that's not going to do me much good I'm afraid.

smiley - pirate

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 4

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

smiley - bluelight
Let's try this again.

smiley - pirate

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 5



Buttons only, I'm afraid smiley - sadface

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 6


Trouble is, is proper leather costs a lot, straight off the cow (as it were). You then have to make it into something else, and the man-hours are expensive.

A proper leather trenchcoat will cost a lot of money. Secondhand will be your best bet.

smiley - fairy

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 7


Or buy a cow and make your own smiley - biggrin

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 8


Leather will go under a sewing machine, as my sewing machine can testify. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fairy

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 9


Perhaps a Guide Entry is called for?

How to make a nice coat out of Daisy?

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 10

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

or cat fur

smiley - run

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 11


Can I ask why the inside pocket is so important?

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 12

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

So you can hide stuffsmiley - winkeye

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 13


You can hide your body and soul in there...



smiley - snork

By BoB, I made myself laugh... Sorry, geeky in-joke there.

smiley - fairy

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 14


it's about 10yrs too late really. You need to wait for another communist country to go under and then you'll be ok. The glut of ex-military clothing in europe following both the soviet union collapse and the reunification of germany brought some very nice leather trenchcoats onto the market! I remember one particular CDT teacher at school who went for the full KGB look with his!

I guess there might still be some if you look at ex-military retailers? Although again unlikely to be zipped, but then you can always add a zip yourself.

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 15


Is this any good?smiley - whistle

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 16


oops - http://www.skintwoclothing.com/x-catalog/product_info.php?products_id=3284

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 17

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

swl I always wonder when you turn up with links like that whether you deliberately go and look for them or have them bookmarked?smiley - biggrin

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 18


smiley - blush

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 19

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Hmm usefulsmiley - winkeye

Leather Trenchcoats

Post 20


My work intertubes refuses to let me look!

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