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serious sexual offences

Post 1


I'm currently researching the reasons why children or adults fail to report incidents of a serious sexual nature such as rape, sexual abuse etc.

The aim of this research is to help me develop a communications strategy to encourage more people to come forward.

If you know of any research papers or other information that could help please let me know.

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serious sexual offences

Post 2



Think I've heard a few things that might help. I heard somewhere that only a small percentage of reported cases make it to a court conviction, and in court they're allowed to ask the victim about their sexual past, but not the offendor. So they could ask if the victim had agreed to intercourse the day before or somethi ng and that could weaken their argument. Also, because of some legal thing, any previous convicyions a perosn has aren't allowed to be mentioned in case it sways a jury. So even if a person has been convicted of rape in the past, it's not revealed in court until after a verdict has been reached.

I've also heard that the perpertrator might have threatened to harm the victim or a friend or whatever if they tell. Or said things like "no one will believe you". And that fear of not being believed is probably quite a strong one. If it's your word against your dad/uncle/teacher or whoever.....Though I've heard of a lot of child abuse cases that have come out when the child is grown up.

Dunno if that's any use, and I'm sorry I can't remember where I've heard stuff, but if i think of anything else I'll post.

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serious sexual offences

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