A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Sadly disappointed with the BBC

Post 41


I´m 42 ( until next september) and this year is the 10th h2 anniversary.

Should I celebrate anything? HOw?

Sadly disappointed with the BBC

Post 42

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Celebrate Life! smiley - cheers
And the Universe.
And Everything.

smiley - cupcake

Sadly disappointed with the BBC

Post 43


Thanks jsmiley - smooch

I think is a great idea, the best I can think of.
I´ll take it seriously. I must.
smiley - hug

Sadly disappointed with the BBC

Post 44


To celebrate the Universe I will start to see this and try to draw some of the amazing pictures it has:

To celebrate life and everything...
I´ll try to be as optimistic as I can. And sing a song titled Hoy puede ser un gran día ( Today can be a great day):


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