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Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 1


It differs from country to country of course, but in the UK the recommended limit is:

Men - no more than 21 units of alcohol per week (and no more than four units in any one day).

Women - no more than 14 units of alcohol per week (and no more than three units in any one day).

One unit equates to:

"a 1/2 pint of ordinary (3.5 per cent) strength beer or lager

a 25 ml pub measure of spirits (40 per cent)

a small (125 ml) glass of 9 per cent wine

a 50 ml pub measure of sherry, port or vermouth."

I think I'd register a little bit above the above limits.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 2


Hell, no. I'd say I drink about 40-55 units a week, which is about 20 pints of 5% lager, and maybe a few glasses of wine as well.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 3

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

*Gets out fingers and toes*

1 pint of bass = 3 units.

Normal night's drinking = 5 pints of Bass smiley - ale.

3 x 5 = 15.

15 x 7 = 105.

So minimum weekly consumption is 105 units.

105 x 52 = 5,460 average units per year.

5,460 x 27 = 147,420 units which is the minimum alcohol quantity consumed by this Hooter in my life,

5,460 x 25 = 136,500 units I shall probably drink through the rest of my life


147,460 + 136,500 = 283,960 units during my entire drinking life,

Allowing for days of overage, let me round that up to 300,000 units for accuracy, or 100,000 pints of smiley - ale.

Not bad,

so the answer must be....

Of course I do... smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

And mine's another smiley - ale please...

smiley - musicalnote

(so that's 300,001 smiley - ok)

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 4


I have to say I do just to balance everyone else out, at most I'll have 2-3 in a week, some weeks none.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 5


I don't drink that often,but when i do i really do smiley - drunk

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 6


3.5 percent is ordinary beer? I've only ever seen that in China...

smiley - erm the answer is no, when I drink I do it with the intention of getting drunk, and therefore never within the recommended limits. Hey, I'm a student. And who even feels 4 units?

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 7


I quoted that from a health site thing. I'd say about 4 was normal myself.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 8

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Hell yes! I've had 6 units since Crimbo.smiley - smiley

Now if you are talking tea......

smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - tea

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm no chance. I rarely go into a pub with out having four or five beers, and its usually in a pub that I know that does decent real ale, and the ones I tend to ahve are nearer 5% a go smiley - ermsmiley - yawn and if I open a bottle of red wine when I get back I drink it all smiley - erm so no, I guess thats an average* of say 15 or so pints of ale a week, some of which are sometimes guiness smiley - stout and a couple bottles of wine a week smiley - erm and more when there is an ocasion to go drinking smiley - erm I'll be in the pub tomorrow 12 midday, leave midaternoon then back again, then home and to the pub in the evening for ht elive music smiley - musicalnotesmiley - ale

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 10


Maybe I'm being spoilt with all this lovely Belgian beer then.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 11

Researcher U1025853

It varies though doesn't it?

At present I am having from 0 to 1 unit a night, as I am still recovering from the litre bottle of Tia Maria I downed in 2 hours a few weeks ago.

How many units in a litre of liquor?smiley - erm

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 12

Researcher U1025853

That is a point, having just read the comment about Belgian beer. We drink Belgian and its often 8% on average. Kwak is rather nice!smiley - winkeye

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 13


21 units a week!
I though it was 21 units a night.
Anyways, back to my drink smiley - cheers

wolfticket - me, myself and my liver

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 14


I reckon I'm almost exactly on that limit, sometimes a little under. Mainly in glasses of wine with a meal, or beer in the summer/a night out.


Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 15

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

Hmm...lets see.

Starts counting.....gives up

Oh dear, I think my liver is going to explode. smiley - doh

Best anethatise myself in preparation then. smiley - ale

smiley - laugh

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 16

A Super Furry Animal

My doctor recommends that I shouldn't drink so much. DOes that count? smiley - winkeye

RTCsmiley - evilgrin

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 17


No; last time I checked it was around 50-60 per week, but I'm older now and drink more smiley - redwine than smiley - ale so it's probably gone up since then smiley - sadface. What was really scary was the chart the doctor showed me. It had a green band (a little is good for you)that gradually faded to blood red (you have 6 minutes to live) - most people I know would've been in the red or off the scale entirely smiley - doh.

There are loads of variables though and the recommendations are only averages so don't take them as gospel.

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 18

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

usually yes, just below them, smiley - redwine
but every once in a while (2 or 3 times a year) I'll exceed them, usually at a party

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 19


Within the limits? Fat chance smiley - laugh

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 20

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

14 units a week? 3.5% average strength for beer? 3.5% is weak for a mild, let alone bitter.

And no, I don't keep within 'recomended limits'. I think I'm probably closer to 14 units a day than a week. smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

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