A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 21


Yes, I can believe that about you smiley - bigeyes

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Um. I just did a quick calculation. No, I'm not saying what it came out as, just in case my boss ever reads this...

smiley - ale

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 23


Worrying isn't sometimes smiley - erm

I mean, just what bunch of pansy-lightweights come up with these so called 'safe levels' anyway smiley - tongueout

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 24

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

The sort of people that drink campari and soda. Hello, new Labour.

smiley - ale

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 25


Oh I don't know. Campari at 25% ABV has a bit of kick to it.

It makes a perfect mixer for the meths smiley - cheers

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 26

mazie (returning soon...)

i think i had about 14 units last night smiley - drunk
it's dericulous though - have you seen that new ad on the tv that says a woman having 3 (3?!) drinks is binge drinking??? smiley - yikes

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 27

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Hang-on, I think someone's got 'binge drinking' confused with 'lunchtime quick one'.

smiley - ale

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 28

mazie (returning soon...)

smiley - cheers

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 29


Anybody counting their units has a problem smiley - laugh

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 30


Going from out of control binge drinker to almost teetotal is easy. Ive gone from more than 50 units a week spread over about 2-3 nights out to two nights out drinking in the last 6 weeks.

Just shatter a bone in your foot, requires surgery and a metal plate in your foot. you will find that down town pubs are hell cos the floors are slippery to crutches and they are too packed...

And Im not a social drinker, a couple of pints either makes me feel sleepy or gives me a need to get hideously, violently drunk and run around nightclubs out of control. So I've drank f*ck all since my accident.

Of course, Ive had to replace the crutch of binge drinking with the crutch of being a pothead.

But hell, we all need something to lean on, just right now for me its 2 metal sticks and a joint!

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 31


Made me think, if there was one, what would the govt recommended smoking weed limit be?

smiley - drunksmiley - nahnah

smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - tongueout

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 32

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

I stick to the weekly limit on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday until 8pm then it is all downhill from there...

turvysmiley - runsmiley - bubbly

Do you drink within recommended limits?

Post 33

Big Al: The World Is Like and Aardvark

I used to drink a shed load, but hangover just got far too bad. Also, generally while I'm drinking, I feel like crap. Just not worth it. As for weed, I miss that stuff so much. Went through a major stoner phase, but I felt it affecting my memory and concentration so I gave up. Now I just have the odd drink and a spliff once every couple of months.smiley - sadface

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