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Can dogs look up?

Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - erm Well, can they?

Can dogs look up?

Post 2


From personal experience is yes but only just - not vertically by any means but about (going by memory) 20 degrees-ish...after that they have to start stepping backwards, which is always funny to watch smiley - biggrin

Can dogs look up?

Post 3

Researcher 178815

Is this a reference to Shaun of the Dead? smiley - smiley
It's true, by the way.

Can dogs look up?

Post 4


Starts humming "Don't Stop Me Know"...

...where's me pool cue? smiley - cool

Can dogs look up?

Post 5

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"Is this a reference to Shaun of the Dead?"
You don't think I just happened to be randomly wondering if dogs can look up, do you? smiley - biggrin

Can dogs look up?

Post 6

Mu Beta

I haven't actually seen SOTD, but I can verify that if dogs look up while wearing on of those neck-brace-collar-funnel plastic things, then the plastic thing fills with water and the dog drowns. smiley - winkeye


Can dogs look up?

Post 7


You, EV? Independant thought? smiley - laugh

How long have I known you now? Almost 5 years? smiley - biggrin

Yes, ok, I admit, you're one of the sharpest, wittiest researchers I know...

smiley - whistle

Can dogs look up?

Post 8

Researcher 178815

Weeeell. A friend on MSN saw the film before I did, and left me puzzled for a few days when they signed in with 'Dogs Can't Look Up' following their usual sign-in name- you may've just been curious as to what the hell they meant, like I did. smiley - smiley

Seriously funny film. smiley - smiley

Can dogs look up?

Post 9


Shaun of the Dead - Best zombie movie ever. Don't tell my boyfriend, but if Simon Pegg wants I'll have sex with him.

I was going to put 'have his children' but you don't need to have sex to do that. It would kind of defeat the purpose. Of having his children.

Actually I've just seen a picture of him in heat.....Can you take a thing like that back?

Would that be proper post ettequite (God that's a dodgy word.)

Can dogs look up?

Post 10


A picture of Simon Pegg in heat?

Or a dog in heat?

smiley - huh

Can dogs look up?

Post 11


If you've got food in your hand, a dog will look anywhere you want it to.

Can dogs look up?

Post 12

Researcher 178815

Well, then it *can* look up if it needs to: but only by standing up on its hind legs with its head vertically up. It doesn't have the pivotal orientation priveleges we do as humans. smiley - smileysmiley - dog

Can dogs look up?

Post 13


Nah, just tested my dog, he can look directly upwards. His eyes are pointed at the ceiling.

Can dogs look up?

Post 14

Researcher 178815

Aw. Well, I'm thinking about Beagles, or Jack Russels here. I can't imagine they'd be able to look straight up on all fours. Which breed is your dog?

Can dogs look up?

Post 15

Just Justin... (ACE)

does it look up when standing on all four legs?
because a dog i know looks up by sitting down, so it's body is at a better angle to look up (if you get what mean...)
but i think it does that as it's just lazy.


Can dogs look up?

Post 16

Joe Fish

I think it would have to be something that interested the dog to make it look something up!
Like the phone number to a pet shop or something..................

Ah, you look up as in up!!!

Leaves the room shutting the door quietly behind him!

Can dogs look up?

Post 17


Simon Pegg, not a dog. Wouldn't have sex with a dog. That would be mingy.

Can dogs look up?

Post 18

The Godfather of Cheesecake

...or indeed 'Mongy!' (scruffy looking dog belonging to the Boswell family in 80's sitcom "Bread")

I reckon dogs can look up, as someone said earlier it depends where the food is.

Can dogs look up?

Post 19

Just Justin... (ACE)

I'll test it out now...
*starts looking for food, and wherever the dog's gone*

Can dogs look up?

Post 20

Just Justin... (ACE)

Ok, that experiment was rather a faliure...

Holding the food in a position that caused it to have to look up to see it, the dog looked up to about an angle of 45 to 50 degrees, then sat down to look at the food. when i moved the food higher (to try to make it look up more), it just stood on it's hind legs... It did this about 5 times.

So, in conclusion, it doesn't seem that dogs (at least this one) can/likes to look up.

Also, the dog needs a bath (it really smells bad)


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