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The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

If any...

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyessmiley - erm Oh, smiley - ok then I'll answer first.... smiley - evilgrin Nothing, at the moment, I'm just wearing a pair of cotton shorts smiley - whistle

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 3


This is the return of thread, wasn't once enough?

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 4


smiley - ermUnderwear....

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 5

Emsley Thomas

Do socks count?

Oh and a bra. It's new and it's lovely. Really lovely.

So there you go smiley - smiley

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm now wearing a newish pair of cotton briefs. smiley - erm Return of thread... well, I think I was lieing about that actually... but there are so many 'return of' threads... seemed like a good idea.... smiley - erm I'm not wearing socks, my feet are resting on top of teh subwoofer smiley - bigeyes

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 7

Emsley Thomas

according to the dryer I'll have pants in 11 mins....

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 8


None smiley - blush

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I was wearing 'none' earlier, as I was wearing a old pair of cotton shorts, kind of knee length things, and I didn't bother putting any pants on when I got up cause I were lazy smiley - erm

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 10


I've got baby blue pants, smiley - ermwhite brasmiley - blush

and socks, that i can't see because i'm wearing boots, but i think they're black and the toes, heel and hem are bright pink, probably with a cartoony thing on the sides...smiley - erm

I'm pretty mismatched

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

If the socks were red it would be good; red white and blue smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 12


I lied about my socks, they are in fact, navy up to just above the heel, then they go pnk and theres a piglett on the sides...

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 13


Why do I feel like I am the only one that always wears underwear?

Pink padded bra.
Pink low cut knickers (smiley - yikessmiley - blush).

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 14

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Well, so do I so you're not alone in this one.
Though you do seem to be alone in the matching color scheme.

Pink underpants, bluey green bra.

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 15

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - erm Burgundy boxers (wonderfully alliterative, don't you think?) and grey socks (less so).

Is there a "The return of 'Who's lurking in the 'what undergarments are you wearing?'?'" thread as well? smiley - erm

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 16


was white socks and grey boxers before my bath

now black boxers

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm I don't think so, but its an interesting idea, kind of developing the anti-undergarments declaration front for those of such an ilk smiley - erm Come on people! smiley - bigeyes Get your undergarments out here, in the open! smiley - rofl

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 18


smiley - wowThe Pants Parade People are here!!!!

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Ooooo! smiley - bigeyes she's got a pair of frilly black lace knickers on her head!!!! smiley - bigeyes *puts a pair of warn y-fronts on his head smiley - erm

The return of 'what undergarments are you wearing?'

Post 20


Pants People for Prime minister of Pants Land!

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