A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Having a bad day?

Post 1


I havn't yikes any of these messages yet, so that people having a bad day, can have a go at the person! http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F74015?thread=382945 and post 11 at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F130160?thread=378585&latest=1

Having a bad day?

Post 2


My opinion is I wouldn't even enter conversation with this moron... just yikes the posts as soon as they appear... I suspect the fact he/she/it knows someone is reading the posts is probably just egging them on...

Having a bad day?

Post 3


She has made many attempts to get people in conversation, on the pages where no-one replied she just kept going, talking to herself.

So not replying will not help, its only a laugh anyway. I don't find it offensive as it is so obviously just a teenager who has learnt some new words!

Having a bad day?

Post 4

Northern Boy (lost somewhere in the great rhubarb triangle) <master of Freudian typos> Man or Badger?

I don't think having a bad day comes into it!

I'm not easy to offend but reading these posts i have to say i'm quite worried. Either Arsenal is very childish or quite disturbed and i think it would be in the best interest of all parties if these posts were yikesd and a strenous complaint was made.

These posts may not be offensive to many yet but if they continue they could cause some serious upset

just my

Having a bad day?

Post 5


I tend to agree with NB...

Yup, they may have just learnt some new words... Now it looks like they could do with a slapped wrist to teach them that one shouldn't use those words in polite society.

Having a bad day?

Post 6


Maybe its just me but I get the feeling that this kind of behavior is on the increase on H2G2 smiley - sadface But unfortunately there is nothing I can see that we can do about it.smiley - cross

Having a bad day?

Post 7


I've yikes them now, I was reminded that children use this site, and I shouldn't leave them on in case someone read them

Having a bad day?

Post 8

Northern Boy (lost somewhere in the great rhubarb triangle) <master of Freudian typos> Man or Badger?

well i think we just have to use the systems available to deal with it, if you find a post like these then yikes it and hopefully the person concerned will be removed. Ignoring the posts just allows them to carry on and responding to the person concerned usually just encourages them.

Either that or we track down the reponsible individuals and educate them on polite discussion with a cricket bat!

Note. just a joke and i do not in anyway condone violence of any kind smiley - winkeye

Having a bad day?

Post 9


smiley - ok and smiley - hug Nobody should have to put up with that sort of posting!

Having a bad day?

Post 10


smiley - hug hopefully they'll stop annoying you now.

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