A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Slide Rules

Post 1

Red Supergiant

Can anybody tell me where I can purchase a decent slide rule? (The thingy that looks very similar to a ruler, but is used to perform mathematical calculations. It's largely obsolete these days due to the calculator, and is a rare find, I think).

I need to find one (for the sweetest engineer in the world), by xmas, but I'm trying not to resort to ebay. It seems that auction sites may have missing/damaged parts on the rule, which are pricey, if not impossible, to replace.

Also, I know nothing about slide rules outside of some web research, so any tips or advice about what I should look for specifically would be valuable.


Slide Rules

Post 2


Just Google Slide rules.

here's a place I found.


Slide Rules

Post 3

Red Supergiant

Thanks for responding smiley - smiley

I did google "slide rule," and also came across the site you mentioned. However, I guess I was wondering if anybody knew of a reputable source for purchasing slide rules - if there happened to be a slide rule connoisseur around here who could let me know where good ones can be bought.

I'm a little cautious about giving out my credit card on a web page/telephone service that doesn't look too "official" (if that's the right term...)

Slide Rules

Post 4


If you go to the bottom of the page it says they can ship you one anywhere in the world.

I used one very briefly when at school but then Clive Sinclair came along & we all had pocket calculators.

I know there is a definite skill to using them but they are now on par with the Abacus.

Slide Rules

Post 5

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Awww, slide rules smiley - smiley

... remembrances of a long lost youth... But we were much better in maths than the youngsters are nowadays.

smiley - dragon

Slide Rules

Post 6

A Super Furry Animal

Indeed so.

They were just on their way out when I did maths 'O' level, but we weren't allowed calculators either. We had to answer questions on them, though...we were allowed to take log tables into the exam. Do they still do that?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Slide Rules

Post 7


Maths o level nowadays involves the invigilator carrying some logs in, stacking them on the table & if the students can count them, they get an 'O' level

Slide Rules

Post 8


I have one!

It's in my Design Shrine - a room dedicated to cleverly or beautifully designed items.

How much you willing to pay?smiley - winkeye

Slide Rules

Post 9

Red Supergiant

I'm willing to pay about 150 USD. I know they can get much more expensive than that. I'll pay 200 if absolutely necessary.

Slide Rules

Post 10

Red Supergiant

But seriously, could you tell me where you found yours, how much it cost, how old, wooden or plastic, etc?


Slide Rules

Post 11


Um, I purloined it from an old and dusty cupboard in the old and dusty office that I inhabited in my previous job.....

It's plastic. I'd need to check that it's got all the bits. Give us your email addy and we'll come to some arrangementsmiley - smiley

Slide Rules

Post 12

A Super Furry Animal

These are the slide rules:

Slide Rules and Regulations
The following restrictions apply to the slides:
• Children under 0.9m are not permitted to use the slides.
• Children under 1.1m are not permitted to use the slide on Level 3.
• Children under 1.4m are not permitted to use the slides on Levels 4 and 5.
• Visitors under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to use the slides.
• Pregnant women or individuals with heart or back conditions should not use the slides.

• Riding head first is dangerous and is not permitted.
• All visitors must ride feet first on their back.
• Elbows should be tucked in and arms placed across the chest or on their lap.
• The slides on Levels 4 and 5 are fast and the experience is physical. Take particular care and follow the Gallery Assistants' instructions.
• All visitors must use the sliding mats provided for the slides.
• Only one rider at a time is allowed to enter the slides.
• No bags or other items to be taken down the slide. Please deposit your belongings in the cloakroom on Level 1.
• All visitors must use the sliding mats provided for the slides.
• Only one rider at a time is allowed to enter the slides.
• No stopping in the slides.
• Please leave the landing area promptly after exiting the slides.

• If you are unsure of the rules or have any questions about the slides, please speak to a Gallery Assistant.
• While every effort has been taken to ensure the slides are safe, visitors using the slides do so at their own risk.

Exhibition Hours
Sunday to Thursday, 10.00–18.00. Friday and Saturday, 10.00–22.00. Last admission into exhibitions 17.15 (Fri and Sat 21.15).

For more information: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/carstenholler/default.shtm

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Slide Rules

Post 13

Red Supergiant

RF, no way, bwa-hah! smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Beatrice, I'll be in touch.

Slide Rules

Post 14

A Super Furry Animal

Way. See my tag. I'm hoping to become a 5th-floor slider this weekend.

I particularly like the way the say "Only one rider at a time is allowed to enter the slides" twice.

Having done the 4th floor slide twice and the 3rd floor slide once, I read "No stopping in the slides" and laugh. How, exactly, do you stop? It's entirely possible to try, break both legs in the process, but I doubt you'd stop.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Slide Rules

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

I've got a slide rule, but it's one I bought in 1977, and it's not for sale. I used it all the time in Engineering. You could get ones with all sorts of fancy scales, but all you really need is the basic slide rule with A, B, C and D scales.

Slide Rules

Post 16

Red Supergiant


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

RF: I wanna be a 5th floor slider! 4th, even!

I used to stop in swirly slides when I was a child, but they were only the equivalent of a 1st and 2nd floor slide smiley - biggrin

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