A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Comic Geeks?

Post 1

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Any other comic geeks out there? I was hunting for a comic-book community kinda thing on here, but there apears not to be one. Anybody interested in such a thing? Should I start one? Or am I blind and unable to see one. Has my year long absence driven me insane, or are there others like me who like their books with more pictures, and less cumbersome words?

Comic Geeks?

Post 2

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*raises hand*

I read a lot of comics, and contribute to a very geeky website:


so I guess I count as a comics geek. smiley - smiley


Comic Geeks?

Post 3

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Cool, I've used that website for *ahem* research before now, it's very good.

Comic Geeks?

Post 4

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Yep, we like it. smiley - smiley I tend to do indexing of recent items, with a bit of Who's Who-type stuff thrown in. I leave the technical wizardry to the others...


Comic Geeks?

Post 5

Sea Change

You could cull names of all the Researchers who have commented on the DC/Marvel thread currently in Peer Review.

Comic Geeks?

Post 6

The Groob

Mrs Spinks is a bif fan of the comics. She particularly likes 'what if' comics. I'll direct her here.

I'm a fan of Tintin and have had TT books since for as long as I can remember, and strangely this has the effect that I find other artistic cartooning styles difficult to 'read'.

Comic Geeks?

Post 7

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Not quite a Comic Geek, but big Fan of 2000AD/Megazine - never could really get on with American Comics. Except for some of the Dark Horse stuff, and (actually now I think about it) Batman (Dark Knight returns...), SandMan (which I've only read the "boxed" set of 6 Graphic novels so far - trying to find out if there is a 2nd boxed set, or if I need to but the rest individually), and a couple of others through the Megazine (Preacher/Hellboy)...

Oh, and the DiscWorld Graphic Novels of course..

Comic Geeks?

Post 8


I've written an entry on Warren Ellis, which must make me a geek of some kind.

Though these days I tend only to read Warren's stuff and the odd Batman graphic novel things. Though, I must admit, I've just ordered The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen from Amazon....


Comic Geeks?

Post 9

Sea Change

DC just redid the covers on Sandman, so there will be a break in availabity until they ship the new ones.

I didn't think there were 12 Sandman books. I'll have to go back and look through mine.

smiley - popcorn

I see I missed part of the original question. I am indifferent to whether you start a community. There aren't lots of us.

Comic Geeks?

Post 10

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

You don't need that many. The Anime and manga shack runs pretty well with less than 20 members. It just gives somebody putting the word 'comics' into the search engine somewhere to go to find like minded individuals, which encourages them to stay.smiley - cheers You never know where your next contact on this site wil take you. My last one (not through comics, admittedly) took me for a great holiday in Spain and made me a (hopefully) lifelong friend.

Nexus7 (apparently gone) and SuperDogMonkey (lurking, not posting) are both huge , and we've been known to have very geeky conversations indeed.smiley - ok

It has to be worth finding the DC/Marvel piece in peer review as well. There were some intelligent comments in there.

Oh, my personal choices are mostly Manga these days, but i've beem known to read Batman, Daredevil and a load of stuff like that as well. Present favourite reads are Hiroaki Samura's 'Blade of the Immortal' and, of Course, 'Hellboy'.

Maybe we should persuade Shazz over at the Post that Nexus7's 'Speech Bubble Burst' Column should be revived as a group effort. Spreads the work and the burden on the pocket?

smiley - shark

Comic Geeks?

Post 11

Sea Change

Did Nexus 7 write a comics column?

Comic Geeks?

Post 12

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

What was Speech Bubble Burst?

For the record, my current favourite comics are Fables, Gotham Central, Ruse and Flash. I'm also rather enjoying Neil Gaiman's 1602 series for Marvel and the Formerly Known as the Justice League series (ahhh, nostlagia...). I'm mostly a DC buff, but as you can see, I do dabble in other things from time to time if they look exciting.


Comic Geeks?

Post 13

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Spech Bubble Burst was Nexus 7's sadly missed comics column for the Post.

I'm waiting for 1602 to appear in TPB. Call me cynical, but i don't see the point in payiong for it twice. same with the Formerly known As..., the recent Loeb/Lee Batman stuff and a whole host of other things.

smiley - shark

Comic Geeks?

Post 14

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Fair enough. I tend to get quite a bit of Marvel stuff in TPB, but the DC stuff in monthly form. Maybe I'm just odd, though.

Will have a wander through the Post archives to find Speech Bubble Burst at some point...


Comic Geeks?

Post 15

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

A678459 is the index page for Speech Bubble Burst. I know that SDM was in negotiation to take over the thing, but je suffers from a huge lack of time.

I buy somethings in both formats - Hellboy, for example. Just can't wait for the adventures of Big Red to be tpb, but must have the tpb's as well. Which is why god invented e-bay.smiley - ok

smiley - shark

Comic Geeks?

Post 16

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

It's true that it doesn't need many to make a weeny community, which is all I was thinking of, a nice place where we can all whine about the changes they've made to my beloved League of Extraordinary Gentlemen just to make a movie. I've not seen it yet, but there's already enough changes to upset me.
For the record, I buy old stuff in TPB, I ain't paying back issue prices, and about 30 titles a month as standard comics. One day I'll flog the lot and be a happy man. Used to be a confirmed Marvelite, but recently I've come round to the DC stuff a lot more.

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