A Conversation for Ask h2g2

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 1


Is there a TV, film, radio or other personality who you believe has a wonderfully sexy vice?

For me, it would have to be BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Anita Anand. Anyone else?

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 2


Hmm, Nemone on Radio 1 for me.

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 3

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Annie Nightingale, no doubt...

smiley - shark

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 4

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

The carefully measured tones of BBC Radio Four's Charlotte Green generally drive me into a confused and dribbling frenzy.

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 5

Researcher U197087

"I'm Charlotte Green, too bootylicious, too bootylicous for you" smiley - laugh

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 6


Jack Davenport - no contest

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 7

kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony>

Sean Connery is definately the one for me. smiley - cheers K

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 8


I always think Sean Connery sounds like he's putting on the accent which makes it impossible for me to find his voice sexy.

Stephen Fry has a voice that's quite nice.

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 9

Sho - employed again!

*looks up at nickname*


Sean Bean *ping*

see? Knicker elastic meltingly yummy.

smiley - drool

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 10


That French footballer that does the va-va-voom advert. The guy seems a bit of a t**t but the voice and the accent are yummy

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 11


Vin Diesil(sp?) smiley - drool

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 12

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Yes, definitely Vin Diesel. And Alan Rickman... smiley - smiley

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 13


If satin sheets could talk, they'd sound like Charlotte Green.

Annie Nightingale.

Monica Belluci.


sexiest celebrity voice

Post 14

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I think thee and me are just showing our age by referring to the divine Miss Nightingale, Hoov...

smiley - shark

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 15


And of course Tim Curry,lovely,lovely voice smiley - drool

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 16


smiley - droolsmiley - drool

smiley - laugh You beat me to it Sho!smiley - laugh

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 17

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Another vote for Charlotte Green. She can read my Shipping Forecast any time. smiley - loveblush

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 18


Ballynac- Mr. Va-va-voom is Thierry Henry.

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 19

snoop froggy frog

niamh musgrove who used to be on brookside

sexiest celebrity voice

Post 20

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Jack Davenport and Sean Bean definitely.

Also George Clooney, and especially Jeremy Irons and Alan Rickman...

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