A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Game Cube!!!

Post 21


Shame that doesn't come out in Europe for a while yet smiley - wah Nintendo really need to do something about their international release schedules.

Game Cube!!!

Post 22


Agreed. I was hoping to buy it last week, thinking (based on the gamespot website) that it was already out. Still I've waited this long...

Game Cube!!!

Post 23

il viaggiatore

At least you get it in three languages. In the US it's English only. When I lived in Italy, I had Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask. Playing them over again French is a whole new experience!

Game Cube!!!

Post 24

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Unfortunately, no language improves the voice acting in Resident Evil smiley - laugh

Game Cube!!!

Post 25


Sometimes the new language can really ruin a game. Bad translations, even worse voice-acting... and if you don´t have the chance to get the game at least in english you could be seriously b*ggered... smiley - grr

I got myself a cube and an xbox.

The cube was at first just because I love Mario, but now with Resident Evil and Metroid Prime...

I bought the xbox simply because there was mech-warrior, mortal kombat and splinter cell.

But then again I am sort of a collector. I still have a sega genesis, a super nintendo, a dreamcast, one of the first series of gameboys, a game-gear and a heap of other electronic-memorabilia at home...

The only machine that I never even considered buying was a playstation. I don´t know why really because there were loads of really good games for the PS1. It might be the image of the playstation or whatever...

I just wouldn´t buy one...


Game Cube!!!

Post 26

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Ahh, REvil is a classic for the crappy abuse of the language. I love it I do smiley - laugh

I've finally seen a (proper) clip of Metroid Prime too. It doesn't look too bad, but I still can't say I'm going to spend money on it. I've got a whole series of REvil to buy - on minimum wage! smiley - wah

Game Cube!!!

Post 27

metroid 2k, Master of Disaster

X-Box is Crap
its not a games console, its a breeze block
if fact, it makes breeze blocks look small,
and its very noisy. That fan is just too loud.

Game Cube!!!

Post 28



We are not turning this into one of those "My gamecube is better than your playstation" threads, are we?


Game Cube!!!

Post 29

metroid 2k, Master of Disaster

no, i havce no problem with PS2, in fact, its a pretty cool console, with a wide range of games.
Its just X box is crap and i want to see who agrees ith me.
smiley - erm

Game Cube!!!

Post 30

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

I didn't like the Xbox. I hated it, and everything it was. I didn't want an Xbox.

Then I got an Xbox. As I said before, Microshaft aside, it really is a pretty good system. The graphics on it are excellent and although there's very few games on it that you can't get on one of the other platforms. Plus you can rip CDs directly to the hard drive to make your own soundtracks, you can save games without having to pay for any of those damned peripherals (PS2 memory cards are STILL $70-odd over here, for the official Sony ones), and you can even run Linux on it if you're that way inclined.

My main issue with the Xbox now that I have one, is the fact that you could use it to bludgeon someone to death with. In fact, I believe there's a warning to that effect in the user manual - "Caution, may bludgeon small children to death if allowed to fall on them". Or something like that. Don't quote me.

Game Cube!!!

Post 31

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Addendum - There must be something wrong with the Xbox(es) you've played on. The fan in it is no louder than the running sounds the PS2 makes.

Game Cube!!!

Post 32

Mu Beta

My main issue with the Xbox was the horrible design of their joypads. I have yet to see an Xbox devotee pick upo a GameCube pad and not say: "Hey, this feels really comfortable".


Game Cube!!!

Post 33

Jeny (Professor of Cheesology, Apostrophe Executive)

We've had a PS2 for a while, and recently bought a Gamecube. The reason? So my other half could play Resident Evil 0. He's now planning to work his way through the complete set one way or another.

Since then I've tried out quite a few games for the Cube, and enjoyed them all (Star Fox Adventures especially). I've seen a lot of negative reviews for the Cube, but based on my experiences, I think it's a great platform.

Game Cube!!!

Post 34


I think a lot of reviewers like to take themselves very seriously, and so they sneer at the Cube for its technical inferiority to the X-Box (but what do you expect given the price?) and the fact that it looks like a toy. Wake up people! It IS a toy!

That's one of the things that makes it so much fun.

And yes, the controllers are excellent. I'd prefer them slightly larger, but then I have very large hands, and they're still far, far better than any X-Box controllers I've used (that would be three kinds, the official large and small ones, and some cheap rip-off one my housemate got free with his box, which was even worse than the Microsoft ones). And they're purple.

Game Cube!!!

Post 35


Lets be completely honest here : The PS2 and the X-Box are toy's as well. What else do you call a machine that you play games on?

And interestingly enough (if i've got my facts right), the PS2 is technologically inferior to the Game Cube! Which just goes to show doesn't it?

Game Cube!!!

Post 36


Iv only played a couple of games on the PS2 that have really grabbed my attention.

1. Gran turismo
2. Max Payne
3. Pro Evolution soccer 2 (nearly the best football game ever)

I believe that Nintendo do make more enjoyable games, If marioKart comes out on the Games Cube, then il be down to get one. Iv played luigis ghost house and super monkey ball, both were fun. I still have my Snes & 64 linked up to my TV, When my mates come round we all play, Mario, Mariokart, F Zero, Super metrod, bomberman, super probtectors and so on, its such fun. the handyness of this is that you can pick up 2nd hand multitaps/controllers for a few quid these days!

May i also add that im sick of playing doom type games.

If you like games get a PC.

Game Cube!!!

Post 37


Max Payne has to be better on the PC...

Yes, the PS2 is inferior to the GameCube, what do you expect it's well over 18 months older! Of course, the GameCube doesn't play DVDs and all that mush, it's a gaming machine pure and simple, which is one of the reasons why I like it - and why it's seen as a toy, because an XBox or a PS2 can be part of your home cinema setup (if you have one) with DVD playback, CD playback and so on. GameCube just plays games. Not that I mind, my PC does DVDs very nicely thankyou!

Game Cube!!!

Post 38


There you have it - the GC is a dedicated games machine (though a DVD playing version is expected by Christmas) - the other two aren't - and lose part of their games ability into the process (let's face it, the X-Box IS a PC - a cut down one at that! And you can run Linux on a PS2...)

The DVD playback on PS2 pleasantly surprised me I admit, but still not as good as a 60 GBP dedicated DVD player.

I rarely touch my PS2 to be honest, driving games if at all.

A friend got X-Box purely because it was the first to go on-line, Gamecube's there now too - where are you Sony?

Game Cube!!!

Post 39

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Only in some countries are they online...

I don't tend to watch DVDs on my consoles either. That's what I've got a dedicated multi-region DVD player for.

Game Cube!!!

Post 40


Oh Zelda,

Oh my,

Sooooooooooooo good smiley - drool

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