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embarrassment - a self conscious paranoia

Post 1

If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42

when you get embarrassment when you have to give a speech to a crowd and you are to scared of making yourself look stupid that you just dont do it, well ive come to conclution that embarrassment is just a self projected feeling, think about it, if you were one of the people in the crowd, and the person who was talking made a few mistakes, what would you be thinking? know think that you are the person making the speach, you make a mistake, what makes you embarrassed? its what you think the crowd is busy thinking isnt it? well now that you know what you would think, why would everyone else think differntly if it was you and not sombody else?

embarrassment - a self conscious paranoia

Post 2


That sounds a bit like the advice to imagine the audience in their underwear or on the toilet, which can help.
Unfortunately we don't all think the same way & you just know someone out there may have a difficult question & show you up!
It's funny how we get embarrassed about different things & in different situations - I can quite happily get up on stage & sing & dance, but when I have to be me face to face with people it can be quite daunting.

embarrassment - a self conscious paranoia

Post 3

The Groob

I recognise that. I do public speaking sometimes. It can be easy to get up in room full of strangers and make a speech, but it can be nervewracking to put your hand up and make a suggestion.

I've learnt lots of rules about public speaking and calming/using nerves but the best piece of advice came from a friend : if in doubt, slow down.

embarrassment - a self conscious paranoia

Post 4


If people get told they are blushing they start blushing more and get more embarassed, even if they weren't blushing previously.


embarrassment - a self conscious paranoia

Post 5

Noggin the Nog

That's odd, Spinks. I find the exact opposite. smiley - smiley


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