A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 1

The Groob

Ah, a chance to forget balanced argument for a moment and be dogmatic and opinionated smiley - smiley

To start:

Country music is a load of c**p

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Car drivers are arrogant selfish b*****ds who don't give a flying f**k for anyone but themselves until they kill someone, and sometimes not even then.

Hmm, feels good smiley - ok

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 3


Country music is fantastic and anyone who thinks different needs to get the cotton wool out of their ears and start listening.


Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

It's not bad... it's just not good. smiley - winkeye

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

A mutually understood, if not agreed upon, definition of 'country' music is required before anyone will pay any attention to such dogmatic and opinionated ravings. smiley - yikes

Perhaps a very partial list of examples will help you decide what you're talking about:
Country - Celtic based fiddle tunes and ballads like Barbara Allen
Country & Western - barn dance jigs and reels with slide guitars
Western - cowboy songs, Hank Snow, Hank Williams
Hillbilly - 'that good ol mountain dew'
Rockabilly - "Maybeline" by Chuck Berry
Pop Country - Dixie Chicks, Emmy Lou Harris
Country R & B - Alabama
Texas Blues - Stevie Ray Vaughn
Lousiana - Cajun squeeze box jump (Jumbalaya)
Honky Tonk - tear jerking ballads of lost love and hard drinking
Trucker Songs - Red Foley, Convoy, Cannonball
Nashville - clever drug inspired double entendres and lyrical puns

Persoanlly, I can listen to anything if it's well played and well intentioned, unless of course it's played over and over without variation.

smiley - biggrin

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 6

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Eww, country music *IS* crap, if not worse.

All all said in post two about drivers is true, esp where I live

apparition (cyclist)

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 7

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Does Kenny Rogers count as Country?
Is he does i'll have to defend it against this villainous slur... if not then I'll fel alot better because frankly Country is worse than Sh!te...

smiley - peacedove

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 8


I think you will find that Kenny Rogers does count as Country. Country R & B as defined by jwf I should think. So start defending!


Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 9

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

smiley - erm
Art is subjective therefore the fact that we all have such a strong negative reaction to Country means that it is good art...
smiley - erm
smiley - headhurts
It can't be donesmiley - wah

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 10

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

Certain forms of country music are believed to cause obesity, high blood pressure, and baldness. Such music may also induce you to wear gaudy shirts and belt buckles larger than your head. smiley - headhurts

Dogmatic and opinionated

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Country music is one of the best music forms availible, if one excludes the rubbish put out as country music in the public arenia, and popularised as such for the soul purpose of selling records/vinyl/cds/whatever...

Cars are pointless. Those who drive them, especially on pointless journeys, E.G., to local shops, are causing all our children to have asthma, and other respiratory allments, and causing more deaths per year than any terrorist organisation ever did.

People who listen to chart music need their head seeing too.

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