A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 1

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

...where a researcher you do not know well, but well enough not to like them has sunscribed to your Journals by adding you their friends list but also the conversation forum for ones space...smiley - erm

Help mesmiley - wah

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 2


Ignore them. That's what I do!!

I hope it's not the same researcher as mine...smiley - erm

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 3

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I fear you may have caught "it" from my Journals...

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 4


Is it me? If so just tell me, I'll leave you all in peace smiley - sadface

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 5

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Didn't know you were lurking in my Journals and the Convo on my space... frankly strangers lurking I handle as long people aren't subscribed to my space and journals and I don't know about it... it when some "creep" has been told politely [ish] you're not interested in getting to know thenm and then goes subscribes to you message centre!
smiley - cry

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 6


I'm not smiley - hug

It is a bit creepy! Take care out there!

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 7

Lady Scott

I know it's not me, but this *is* a public forum, and as such, *anyone* can subscribe to anyone else's journals/page.

I just don't write anything that I wouldn't want a complete stranger to know, which I think is the best policy for everyone on this site.

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 8

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

smiley - erm
Yeah but isn't as rthough they've wandered in from a convo seen my Journal and made a comment... or just seen something juicey and subscribed... which although rude I could cope with...

They put me on their friends list and subscribed to my message centre despite no prior contact... I've gone to their space and tried to strike up a convo assuming they were shy or something... they're not they're simply ever so creepy...
I wondered if their was a system for dealing with unsettling attention other than moving user spaces etc...

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 9

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Not being a tech smiley - wizard How do U know they are subscribed? Especially if they never say anything? smiley - boing

Is there a way to tell who is subscribed to your page? *interested*

smiley - disco

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Not that *I* am aware of... however you can find out who has you on their friendlist by placing this in your User Page code...

I visited their space and found tey were subscribe to messages that had been posted sinse I told them I'd rather not be associated withem... onlt a little less blunt but I think I was clear...

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 11

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sounds clear enough!
smiley - laugh It would make me go away! smiley - run
That IS kinda creepy.

So I need ML to check who is subscribed?

smiley - disco

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 12

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Yeah you'd need to XML your Space...
Don't be intimidated by Guide ML, I'm no smiley - geek and seem to have done OK just diving in there pretty much blind...

And yes I do find it very creepy...
But i wouldn't say it to you at least we've exchanged a few posts from time to time...smiley - smiley

smiley - peacedove

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 13

Lady Scott

There is a possibility that the person found your name on one of the lists on the stats page, then simply clicked on the add to friends button. As far as subscribing to your page itself, maybe they tried that first and then discovered the friends button.

I'm assuming this was a newbie, of course. Possibly a newbie who hasn't even been back since doing that, since you said they haven't posted anything to you.

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 14

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

No they've added maybe 30 or so member of the community to their friends list... most of whom I pressume to be quite unaware that this person is watching them...
Others ahve done as I did a gone to try and make conversation with this person...

However I have trouble with anxiety without some creepy person that despite my efforts to be friendly failed to more than just creepy...

I would add You my friendsl list simply because you replied to this friend and that I think would be more than enough for this individual to start watching you...

OK this researcher is ill... but and isn't threat to my person... and as you say this is a public site so I have to expect at least limits to privacy... but I do feel infringed upon and somewhat "harassed"...

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 15

Lady Scott

This person *has* talked to you then?

I don't get creeped out by someone subscribing to my journals/space. Not like they'd be able to find me in real life or anything - they can lurk around on here all they want. I've had the thingy that lists who's got me on their friends list for a long time now, and I just check it every now and then to see if anyone new is on it.

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 16

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Read this thread properly and you wouldn't be asking questions regarding facts that have already been put forward...

I have spoken to them... I went to their page... to do it because I wanted to know who the hell this that I hadn't spoken to that had me on their friends list was!!!smiley - grr
They have sinse added people to their friends lists they haven't spoken with simply because they are on my friends list...

I have concluded from speaking to them that I am Very Unhappy about having this person in my Journal sinse that conclusion I have discover they are spy on the conversations people have with me on my space...

Just because you are comfortably with something doesn't anyone else should/could or has to be...

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 17

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Perhaps it could be considered hootoo ettiquette to ASK if U may add a persons space to your *friends list*.

At first I added many people i am just interested in reading. Then I thought ~~~I really should ask if it is OK. I think (hope) I have done so. It seems resonable to do so.

I doubt the ettiquette has been updated but maybe it has ~~or could be smiley - smileyI have told newbies I talk to that is is curtesy to do so before adding *friends*. Like RL U can ask for boundaries but U may or may not get them smiley - winkeye

smiley - disco

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 18

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I think a written guideline, ettiquette or code of conduct regarding use of the *friends* list feature existed...
A perhaps a method for dealing with anyone that pays no regard to such guidlines gently but swiftly...

smiley - peacedove

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 19

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Do U know where that is by any chance? I briefly looked around.I would like to read it.

smiley - disco

What does/can one in such a situation...

Post 20

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Ooops!smiley - blush I should preview before posting!

I ment to say I strongly believe it would be good if such a code of conduct for the features use existed... not that one may have/does exist...
smiley - sorry

smiley - peacedove

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