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reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 1

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

i thought i'd start a post for people to say what's been happening in their areas with the anti-war protests this weekend.

in nz there was a very good turn out, around 17,000 in 4 big cities (this is a large number for nz).

apparently there were so many protestors in wellington (the capital) that they had to move the march to parliament grounds where there was more room smiley - biggrin

here's more on the nz protests -

i heard there were over 100,000 marching in melbourne last night.

smiley - ok

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 2

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I was just going to start a thread like this, but I found one here already!! Thanks, Kea! smiley - biggrin

I think it might be interesting to have people post where they are, how many turned out, and what the reactions of non-participants were? Did the march/protest seem to be making an impact?

Let you know about L.A. later.... smiley - peacesign

SC smiley - planet

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 3

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Sorry to gatecrash the thread, but I've got to share this with someone!

A gem from BBC Radio Five Live, which for non-UK types is "Live News, Live Sport, THIS IS FIVE LIVE".

Anyway, it's Saturday afternoon and it's the usual sports coverage - match reports and commentary on the football (soccer) games and the rugby.

The presenter is going "around the grounds" for the latest scores and match reports, followed by a thirty second summary of the score and recent incidents from each reporter ("Over to Eleanor Oldroyd at Derby, where there's been a goal...."). And then, without pausing for breath or change of intonation

"And now over to John Pinaard at the Anti- War March in London."

Sadly, JP was unable to tell us the latest score....



reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 4


The organisers of the London march are claiming nearly 2 MILLION people have attended...!!

smiley - yikes

I've been watching all day. Power to the People!! smiley - peacesign

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Mrs Gosho just left to attend the protest here in Austin, outside the very building where Dubya used to work, and across the street from where he used to live (the Texas State Capitol and the Governor's Mansion respectively) smiley - ok

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 6


The BBC just claimed an estimate of 750,000 from overhead pictures...

Was the London one the biggest march then? smiley - wow

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 7

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

er...just two small points...

1. The war hasn't started yet.
2. When it does, it won't be against the PEOPLE of irak.

sorry to be a pedant, but it helps to be accurate.

oh, by the way...no marches going on here at all in South Florida.

alec.smiley - clown

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 8


Just heard on the radio that Rome had about 1 million.

Couldn't go to a march today because I had to work - but was there in spirit.

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 9


1. Prevention is better than the cure.

2. So the politicians will be the one's who will be losing their parents/children/homes/lives will they? All wars are against PEOPLE, because that is who they affect, not the governments...

smiley - steam

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 10


Isn't it spelt "Iraq"??

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 11


smiley - ermjust to be a pedant:

if the war does start, is it against the camels of iraq?

and who's going to be on the other side? the cats and goldfish of America and Britain?

It seems to me that wars are usually fought between people of two or more countries. The reality is, people fight wars; governments only declare them (sometimes).

And, anyway, American and British planes are bombing Iraqi territory; U. S. soldiers are on the ground in iraqi territory; the war has started. The only thing missing is for Congress to declare war (since the President isn't allowed to do that).

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 12

mrs the wife


Er no thankfully, that's why people are marching.

What, and the US will manage to miss all the civillians in their blanket bombing? Obviously the US must have got better with their aim in recent years.

You surprise me. (that's sarcasm BTW)

smiley - artist

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 13



How horrific is it that we are talking about war in the 21st century?

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 14


Oooohhhh smiley - bigeyes

T'was with great pleasure that I listened to a Republican female make those same kind of pro-war points earlier...

Booo. I smiley - love America, but guys, you sure f**ked up with the Presidency this time around. smiley - blue

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 15

Frankie Roberto

'This time round'???

I was at the London demo. It was absolutely HUUGGEE. We got there late, caught up, arrived at hyde park. Stayed around for two hours then left. Then, we went and got some food and walked the way we came, and there were STILL people marching. It was a never-ending sea of people - completely overwhelming.

I don't see how any government can fly so much in the face of public opinion. If war breaks out there will be a general strike. Feeling is high.

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 16

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

I live vey far from London, in Mo i Rana, Norway (25.000 inhabitants) The peace march here consisted of around 750 people, I think, not bad, all things considered... I played at a concert in the church afterwards.

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 17

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

er...you think tony blair is standing with the U.S. 'cos he thinks it will make him POPULAR ??

Frankie, sometimes governments HAVE to do stuff, whether a bunch of demonstrators approve or not.

"Day of ACTION" ??? smiley - laugh

"Action" is what the US and UK governments are contemplating.

alec.smiley - clown

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 18

Frankie Roberto

No, he's not doing it to make him popular, he's doing it for his own reasons. But if so many people are against it it doesn't exactly make his leadership very credible (if it was anyway). Governments are supossed to be representative.

You take issue with the word 'action'? Surely it has many meanings?

reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 19

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

So WHAT should they be doing about Saddam Hussain?


reports on the International Day of Action to Stop the War on the People of Iraq

Post 20

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Raining hard in Vancouver and half an hour before anything even starts but the crowd has already grown to 15,000 according to the news. Not bad for a city of 2 mil.

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