A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3781

F F Churchton

And how would you know that exactly???

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3782

a visitor to planet earth

Well the genetic coding in me to like breasts, tits, is certainly working. They have held a lifetime fascination for me and long may thay do so.

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3783


If you look at cars that men like, they often tend to be sort of curvy and sleek. And considering the relationsship some men have to their car, I wonder if it is a form of sexual attraction.

"Uhh, nice set of headlights. Wouldn't mind taking her for a drive. nudge nudge"

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3784

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh
?- that's a masterpiece. And for you, kiddies, this is a loose interpretation on Hair out of the movie and musical by the same name.smiley - smiley

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3785

a visitor to planet earth

Men love women with a good pair of breasts and a good bum. Men love curvy women with ample proportions.

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3786

Yael Smith

Not ALL men...smiley - erm

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3787


yep, personally speaking,

those that lack a brain
needn't apply,

no matter how firm the cushion
or how perky the buzum!!

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3788

Yael Smith

smiley - biggrin I guess that sums it...

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3789


Elly, Mike's a right lucky bloke! Kriky!

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3790

F F Churchton

I really fancy I sandwich, right about know!!!

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3791


Why are smart girls so hard to find. Do you pretend to be stupid because you think men prefer that?

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3792

Mu Beta

Nah, mate. In the vast majority of cases, they're really like that. I thank God I found a smart one when I did.


What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3793

Yael Smith

I don't get it either, guys...smiley - erm

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3794

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

I don't know, but then can someone explain to me why all the girls I know who aren't exactly the brightest in the bunch always seem to have boyfrineds, whereas me and my friends who have copious numbers of braincells between us find it much harder?

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3795

Yael Smith

'Coz men are intimidated by women who might actually have more brains than themselves. And also- seeing as they are probably young men, they're more attracted to the less important aspects of a woman (girl, whatever...)

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3796

Mu Beta

Definitely not! I know there's not a woman on this planet who's more intelligent than me.smiley - biggrin


What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3797

Myjo - Keeper of Decisions That Should Never be Made on Two Hours of Sleep

Which, then, presents it's own set of problems! Hee hee smiley - biggrin

Myjo smiley - sleepy

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3798

F F Churchton

Well you could kill two birds with one stone, and ask really hard questions, when you meet them. ie would you like to reconignse my status and recommend me a depositary at some fanciable location?

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3799

Yael Smith

Lost you...smiley - erm

What is it with breasts? apologies to Hair! this is an original composition!

Post 3800

F F Churchton

Laymanns terms: I'm single, would you like to feed me!!!

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