A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 1


Well then, if you've been on the internet for a while you've already experienced how embarassing typos can be. Like the classic brian instead of brain, which can give discussions a whole new meaning. Or others of a less freudian nature. So tell us your best and worst ones, and make us all laugh.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 2


In some conversation on h2g2 about artwork and prizes, I tried to type "money" but it came out as "Monet". Thought I'd got away with it but a few posts later someone pointed it out.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 3

Mu Beta

The typo that inspired Xan to start this thread

Somewhere deep in the 'nice girls' thread I tried to type a "winkeye" smiley (I never use the ; ) symbol for some reason), but managed to change the 'i' for a completely different vowel.

Would have been less funny, but I was thinking about Linda at the time.


Typos, the greatest hist

Post 4


I produce our church's monthly magazine and there is always an article from the "walking and rambling group". I am really paranoid about changing that l to an n.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 5

Mu Beta

My favourite ever typo appeared in the Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph. I quote:

"Last week we erroneously stated that the retiring Mr. Brown was 'part of the Defective Branch of the Police Force,' for which error we apologise. Mr. Brown was in fact part of the Detective Branch of the Police Farce."


Typos, the greatest hist

Post 6


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 7


Due to someone presumably being a rather bad touch-typist, and skewing a few keystrokes one to the right, my mother (Mrs Rita Wilson') once received an envelope addressed to 'Mrs Tits Wilton'.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 8

Metal Chicken

I used to share a house with a chap called Phil Tingey - who occasionally got letters addressed to Mr Tingly (well it used to make me giggle)

More recently, a colleague suffered from the related syndrome of 'over-active spell checker', when a bit of an official document using the acronym SLA for (Service Level Agreement) got switched to Salsa and the document sent out to a load of senior managers with a sentence about implementing some new system "in accordance with the salsa". Conjured up images of dancing directors or a free bowl of spicy dip with every system...

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 9

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Ah, that one... which must have been in every single paper since the dawn of time smiley - winkeye Best send it to Snopes.
Joy of mistakes.
can't think up any typos at the mome, however has anyone else noticed the disturbing amount of subheaders in Local Papers that can be read in dodgy ways? fr'instance, in side-article about new football stadium, they chose the word 'Erection'.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 10


For quite some time my bank used to address their letters to me at, "41 Matlock Toad"

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 11


Someone here also did a freudian on the phrase "spur of the moment". I didn't have the heart to tell him smiley - smiley

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 12

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

bring your typo's to TypOrphanage A580088

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 13


BTW I would like if it was your own typos, or ones you've experienced. Not something like the salsa one.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 14

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

my typo is on that page

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 15


Well I managed to miss the 'o' out ofd the word Count a long time ago on the Song titles thread.

The moderators soon spared my blushes though. smiley - winkeye

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 16

C Hawke

again maybe one for Snopes but read years ago about a Parish mag that apologise to a Mrs X for making a mistake - what they meant to say was she'd be giving a talk about "smocking and rugs" but instead they said "Smoking and Drugs" smiley - biggrin


Typos, the greatest hist

Post 17

Mu Beta

Possibly the best typos are those which disregard grammar. Another classic from the Evening Telegraph (well, we're all illiterate in Scunthorpe):

"Boat for sale. One owner. Green in colour."

Mal de mer not cured, then...


Typos, the greatest hist

Post 18


I once hurriedly hand wrote a post-it note for a colleague who was to look after a bit of machinery while I was away over lunchtime.
I tried to write "Don't flick this up" and attached the note to a switch on the equipment.
He thought that the l and the i formed a single, different letter and that my instruction was a little harsh and betrayed a lack of confidence in his ability.

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 19

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

I was doing a sailing course on the Firth of Forth where Polar Bears roam during the summer months and we had all sorts of safety lectures, basic first aid and such like, all followed by a written test.

"Q: You find the body of a person on a beach. There is no sign of fallen cables and the beach is deserted. Describe your course of action.

A: Check to see whether they are breathing, check for a pulse. If there is no pulse perform artificial insemination ..."

I was that man ... whether it counts as a typo or just plain stupidity I don't know ...

Typos, the greatest hist

Post 20

Mu Beta

What were you thinking of at the time????


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