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Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 1

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I'm from Birmingham, and being the youngest kid in my (European) family (I'm the oldest on the maternal side in Malaysia smiley - biggrin), I was always referred to as 'the bab' or 'the babby' (I take it that this is probably an archaic form of baby - well, d'uh...). Anyway, it's a very much working-class thing, frowned upon by the middle-classes. Is 'babby' used anywhere else in the UK as a term of endearment, or is it just us?

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

It's certainly used in working-class Dublin to mean a baby. So the Babby would be the youngest of the family as well, long after they have stopped in fact being a babby.

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 3

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

I think it is also used in the East of Scotland.

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 4


Yep, I have heard it here in the east of Scotland (but not very often, I must say).

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 5

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

It sticks here, too - I'm 18 and I'm still the babby. smiley - silly

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 6


West of scotland too smiley - smiley
My family are Glaswegian and I've heard it there smiley - smiley

Is 'babby' just a Midlands thing?

Post 7


Hmm. Haven't heard it 'round here in the north-west...

But maybe I just don't get out enough smiley - smiley

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