A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Mr Berlusconi

Post 1

the autist formerly known as flinch

I posted an item earlier about Silvio Berlusconi and his offensive comments on the nature of "civilisation" earlier which i guess did, i admit, break house rules.

He is an offensive little man with an offensive little mind and if my comments about him were deemed offensive, then i probibly descibed him correctly.

I would like to apologise to anyone who enjoys the pleasures of onanism for comparing you with the pucillanious peice of fascist filth.

I didn't get to read anyone elses comments in the forum, so cannot respond to these. Sorry if i seemed like a troll.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 2

the autist formerly known as flinch

The statement that Berlusconi issued ran something like:

"The attacks on New York and Washington are attacks not only on the United States but on our civilisation, of which we are proud bearers, conscious of the supremacy of our civilisation, of its discoveries and inventions, which have brought us democratic institutions, respect for the human, civil, religious and political rights of our citizens, openness to diversity and tolerance of everything.
"We should be conscious of the superiority of our civilisation, which consists of a value system that has given people widespread prosperity in those countries that embrace it, and guarantees respect for human rights and religion. This respect certainly does not exist in the Islamic countries".

He seems to forget the role of the Italian government, and his beloved Duche in the pogroms of WWII. And also the role of all of those freedom loving christian nations who bent over forwards to aid the Nazi's in their persecution of Jews, Gypsys, Homosexuals, Communists, Trade Unionists, people with funny close set eyes etc.

In fact the only occupied countries to refuse to participate in pogroms were the Islamic nations. Refusing to take action against "the people of the book".

Mr Berlusconi

Post 3

the autist formerly known as flinch

Oh and i forgot to mention that old Sylvio had a power sharing agreement with the facists a few years ago and was recently in the press lauding the policies of Mussolini. Charming fellow i'm sure.

Anyone know what the rains run like over there. I know they're awful in the Middle East.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 4

the autist formerly known as flinch

Oh and i forgot to mention that old Sylvio had a power sharing agreement with the facists a few years ago and was recently in the press lauding the policies of Mussolini. Charming fellow i'm sure.

Anyone know what the trains run like over there. I know they're awful in the Middle East.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 5

the autist formerly known as flinch

I still don't seem to have had a moderation notice on the removal of this thread. It's obvious why it was removed, i was deliberately rude about the prime minister, but why no explination anyway - surely this should be automatic.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 6


Except the last sentence, this statement sounds oddly familiar...

Ouzo, germans know a Fuehrer when they see one...

Mr Berlusconi

Post 7

the autist formerly known as flinch

My origonal posting on this (and the whole thread) was moderated for being "potentially libellous or defamatory" i assume because i called him a fascist.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 8

the autist formerly known as flinch

And now i am censored for calling the Israeli state fascist. It seems that the BBC consider this to be a deflamatory term. Well that's good i suppose, but how do you describe someone who is a fascist, if you can't use the term.

Come on moderators open up and tell me what's going on here.


Post 9

the autist formerly known as flinch

This post has been removed.

Mr Berlusconi

Post 10


So Autist, was #9 one of yours then?

Its a shame that when they remove a post they remove the reply button as well. It rather takes away the opportunity to make comment on their actions.

Oh, and to keep on thread. Mr Berlusconi makes truly awful TV programs smiley - yuk

Come back L!ve TV all is forgiven

Mr Berlusconi: Sucseedes where the Hun's could not.

Post 11

the autist formerly known as flinch

I notice that El Duce Nuovo is trying to sell Pompeii and the Colluseum and a host of other ancient monuments.

Fascist turd.

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