A Conversation for Contradictions in Terms

some additions.

Post 1

sassy gal

perhaps you might want to add some of these to your list..

I tried to remove any duplicates..


50. Act naturally
49. Found missing
48. Resident alien
47. Advanced BASIC
46. Genuine imitation
45. Airline food
43. Same difference
42 Almost exactly
41. Government organization
40. Sanitary landfill
39. Alone together
38. Legally drunk
37. Silent scream
35. Living dead
34. Small crowd
33. Business ethics
31. Butt head
29. Software documentation
28. New York culture
27. Extinct life
25. Childproof
24. "Now, then..."
23. Synthetic natural gas
22. Christian scientists
21. Passive aggression
20. Taped live
19. Clearly misunderstood
18. Peace force
17. New classic
16. Temporary tax increase
15. French bravery
14. Plastic glasses
13. Terribly pleased
12. Computer security
11. Political science
10. Tight slacks
9. Definite maybe
7. Twelve-ounce pound cake
6. Diet ice cream
3. Exact estimate
2. Religious tolerance

some additions.

Post 2

Fat Mammoth

-Organised crime
-Home work
-Parent Teacher Association
-Labour Government (It's the tories in disguise)
-Gay homosexual (Most of the one's I know are really depressed)
-Marrital bliss
-School Dinners

some additions.

Post 3

Ioreth (on hiatus)

How about changing 'caring conservatism' to the original, "compassionate conservatism"?

some additions.

Post 4

Red Petunia (ShipperInLove)

How about "old news"?
*Love* the "Microsoft Works" one!
Cool article smiley - winkeye
Red Petunia ~@~--}--

some additions.

Post 5

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Isn't everybody feeling cynical!

some additions.

Post 6

Cupid Stunt

Military Intelligence!

some additions.

Post 7

Demon Drawer

Central Government (I mean London, Washington, Paris, Berlin are hardly Central)
Stair Well
Economy of Scale
Stable Inflation
Expressway Queues
Classless Society
Stop-frame Animation

some additions.

Post 8


how about "Luxury SUV"?

some additions.

Post 9


How about Good Government?

some additions.

Post 10

zaphod (1*(18+9+8+7)=42)beeblebricks

Civil Servant
Feminine Logicsmiley - cool

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