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Pilgrim4Truth Posted Feb 15, 2007
'It has come to our notice that a lot of time is being spent improbably during office hours.'
Clearly the chap has an advance degree in the Physics of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.
Once in Thailand the firm I was working with employed some local office staff to consolidate the text being written by some UK consultants (this was about 18 years ago and MS Office was not as familiar as it is today). The job was to bid for some work related to Oil exploration - so called Eastern Seaboard development. What was submited (in longhand) for typing was;
"Additional expenses whilst on-shore are anticipated compared to off-shore, and in either case shall be paid by the client..."
The typo that passed the Mulitmate spell chack, (and perhaps what the local ladies typing thought that the farang's actually meant) was ...
"Additional expenses whilst on-whore are anticipated compared to off-whore, and in either case shall be paid by the client..."
If you glance at your keyboard, you can see how easy it is for fingers to be dyslexic.
zendevil Posted Feb 15, 2007
Tsk tsk. Well, if you must use a Multimate Spell check thang, whore nose Watt Will Le Pen?
"Deer Sir,
Pleas bee insured their arr know typoos in Torkey.
Yaws, basil fawlty."
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