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Happy Christmas

Post 21

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

" No sprouts, EVER!" [Nick]

I tend to agree, and yet my sister-in-law found the one recipe for brussels sprouts that I could actually enjoy. That happened once, and she hasn't tried it since.

I really really really don't like brussels sprouts, with that one exception. smiley - erm

Happy Christmas

Post 22

Gnomon - time to move on

I love sprouts. They're one of the great things about Christmas dinner.

Happy Christmas

Post 23

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Brussels sprouts are quite delicious, but only boiled. I've seen some appalling recipes for doing very silly things with them.

Happy Christmas

Post 24


It's a fashion thing, I think. It usually involves frying them in some kind of fat and putting nutmeg all over them (or saffron, or whatever is in this year). Some of those recipes are actually pretty tasty if you just want to eat a quick snack, but it's a bit too much when you are eating a whole dinner and that on the side, too.

Happy Christmas

Post 25


I'm getting hungry again now thinking of all this! A bit of toast might be an idea. smiley - eureka

Happy Christmas

Post 26

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I'm sorry, peoples, trying to convince me that those mini-cabbage things are delicious is as unlikely as convincing me that any sort of liver is really meant to be eaten.

Happy Christmas

Post 27

You can call me TC

Ooh - Offal! Another of my favourites! You and I are like Jack Sprat and his wife, Nick.

Happy Christmas

Post 28

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I love heart of anything, bird giblets, all great. But any sort of liver - fish, fowl or beast - nope. And while kidney is fair, it's still a bit much. For me.

Happy Christmas

Post 29

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I used to like liver with bacon and onions, but it became off limits for me after my cholesterol was discovered to be too high. I don't miss it particularly, but with the recent revisionism in heart-related diet theories, I'm suspicious that the "experts" are turning a little knowledge into a dangerous thing.

My grandmother always insisted that you shouldn't eat the same thing at supper as you did at lunch. Variety was important to her, and to my mother, and now to me. Frankly, I think that almost any food can be safely eaten as long as you don't overdo.

But not brussels sprouts. They're so similar to broccoli and the other cruciferous veggies that you don't lose anything by preferring its cousins.

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