A Conversation for Cloud on the Mount

little fluffy clouds

Post 1

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Just thought I'd let you know that I liked this! smiley - biggrin

smiley - star

little fluffy clouds

Post 2


Cool! Do you like to write about stuff too?

little fluffy clouds

Post 3

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I have been known to write what could be loosely called poetry from time to time.
Not that I often show other people... smiley - blush

little fluffy clouds

Post 4


I know what you mean, cos usually it's pretty deep stuff you end up writing about. Most of the time being shy doesn't even occur to me but then yesterday I was playing a song I wrote (cos my friends and I are trying to write original songs rather than always playing everyone else's) and suddenly I felt real shy cos what I'd written was actually quite personal. But then I realised that the more uncomfortable I feel then the more uncomfortable they'll feel so I had to just fake it for awhile and pretend I didn't care. I think, as a generalisation, the more passionate a person is about their art form the less of an exhibitionist they are. Do you ever feel like nothing's ever quite perfect and you don't want to show it til it is? Cos that's another thing that stops me from playing is that I can't blame anyone for criticising me cos I know it could be better myself, but if I wait until it does get better well, I have to wonder if it ever will...
Thanks so much for all your feedback, its really good when you put yourself out there to actually get a response!smiley - smiley

smiley - spider

little fluffy clouds

Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

"I think, as a generalisation, the more passionate a person is about their art form the less of an exhibitionist they are."

Actually, I think you just get more choosy about what you keep to yourself and what you throw out for the general hoi and polloi.
It doesn't make you dishonest, in fact it makes you more honest to yourself and contributes to an air of mystery that makes it easier
to keep friends and offend enemies.smiley - biggrin

little fluffy clouds

Post 6


That sounds pretty good. I've yet to cultivate such an air of mystery myself, but I definitely don't try to ram every artistic attempt down everyone's throats... not only would it become excruciating for them (like the bard off Asterix and Obelix) but it would also become boring/tedious/degrading for me... then again if I wait for someone to hunt out whatever I may have to offer the world, chances are they won't. What do you mean by being more honest with yourself? Is that in regards to the quality/amount of effort put into your work?

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