Cloud on the Mount

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It was merely another humdrum day, until I saw the cloud lingering on the Mount. I'd always wondered what a cloud would feel like. I know what they look like, as I have marvelled upon them many a time to soothe my anxious mind. Night and day they float across the sky-dome and I know they must meet earth somwhere, but never wherever I am. So I determinedly made my way up along the grassy banks, my singing scaring away the lazy sheep as well as the odd runner no doubt... everything had changed just for this special day. The colours were deeper, the cicadas louder, the silence even louder still. I could feel it all in the air: - the wet, soft and muggy air that soon felt like it was a part of me.

I had to get more, absorb all I could while it lasted. So I crawled along the rocks until I reached the cliff edge. There I stopped, as any sane person would, and caught my breath as my eyes frantically searched for any remains of earth. But all I could see, up, down, right, and left, was white: unending, unreasonable white like I'd never seen before. I was dizzy with excitement and thought I'd better crawl back. Part of me wanted to reach out and touch what wasn't there: wanted to walk right off the rocks to leave all that resembled reality and float right out of logic, space and time into the endless dream that the cloud seemed to represent.

It felt good to trade reality for nothingness for a short while, but that's as good as it got. The mist soaked right through my clothes and it started to feel cold into my bones so I headed back home.

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