A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop
A2881055 - Cloud on the Mount
kaleidescope Started conversation Aug 8, 2004
Entry: Cloud on the Mount - A2881055
Author: kaleidescope - U808104
Yeah, I think it's fun to try and put these little "insignificant" experiences into words. How would you go about it?
A2881055 - Cloud on the Mount
J Posted Aug 25, 2004
First I feel obliged to note that, in regards to 'my singing scaring away the lazy sheep', you shouldn't scare sheep. And they weren't lazy. Merely pondering philosophy and the world, like you
I imagine it must be difficult to make feelings into experiences.
A2881055 - Cloud on the Mount
kaleidescope Posted Aug 26, 2004
Well done that was very thought provoking...
I try to make thoughts and feelings into experiences as much as possible in order to avoid having to go through the experiences myself. Kinda the opposite of Janis Joplin if you know who she was. I don't find it difficult because it's the essence of songwriting and I've been doing that all my life, although I am particularly sick of it at the moment and am going to take up motorcross or something instead.
Our mere existence on earth scares sheep and can you blame them for being flighty with our apparant need to self-destruct? And yes, sheep do seem to be rather philosophical creatures, I wonder if that has much to do with hanging around in green fields and loving nature (I never thought I'd find myself admitting I had something in common with a sheep!)
Do you have anything in common with sheep?
Please don't tell me you were one once...
A2881055 - Cloud on the Mount
kaleidescope Posted Sep 1, 2004
Hey you changed your name! Between that and the ovine comment it sounds like you have a really wide range of friends.. perhaps you have a diverse, ecclectic kind of personality?
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A2881055 - Cloud on the Mount
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