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ACE's greeting laney47!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Just poppin' in quickly as one of the <./>ACEs</.> here, to welcome you aboard'n'all so to speak. Since you've been a member for some time you may or may not need to visit the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page@ A868098 - mind you, I suppose it's a nice bit of a refresher, so to speak. Of course there's also a welcome awaiting you on the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . And it might not hurt to take the <./>dontpanictour</.> ...just in case. smiley - winkeye

I'm sure you might remember the smileys(smiley - diva, smiley - wizard, smiley - cheesecake, smiley - choc, etc), you'll find the complete categorized list@ A155909 . And you might want to look@'spicing up your page'( A690518 ). A couple other decorative options depending on your level of computer expertise, are; the 'picture gallery'@ A692741 , & 'the GuideML clinic'@ A187229 .

But check those over laney & I'll be gettin' back to you when I've got a bit more time. Let me just say I'm sincerely glad the domestic violence is a "thing of the past" & I hope you'll enjoy bein' back here! Bye for now*waves*

ACE's greeting (pt. 2)laney47!

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh, I suppose another decorative option I could/should mention is the selection of wallpapers available for your computer@ A1136242 . I just thought that since you've got artistic inclinations you might ehjoy at least checking those out. smiley - winkeye

You're most likely aware of the numerous Clubs & Societies here. You'll find a full categorized list of those@ A660340 . Hootoo also has its own weekly newspaper <./>thepost</.> which comes out every Thurs. evening U.K. time (speaking of time, something that might help in regard to the various time zones is ). In any case there's usually some good reading there & it'll give you some idea of the various people & goings-on here.

A few of my ACE colleagues have compiled lists of links designed to assist new researchers...or returning ones like yourself. Seraphina has her Links@ A1919937 , Shea's List can be found@ A534953 , Rocketman's Links are@ A725500 & Feisor's List Of Links can be found@ A719840 . Feisor wisely suggests getting out & meeting people. You're sure to meet like-minded individuals in a few of the aforementioned Clubs & Societies. And of course there's my friend pheloxi's United Friends@ A703126 , there's a rather amiable group there, myself included.

And you can certainly start by talking to me, that's always an option. For the record, I'm a 48 year old male, click on my underlined nickname to visit my space & learn a bit more about me. Or just use the 'Reply' button below to leave me a message. But in any case take your time going over all those links & reaquainting yourself with the site. Bye for now...hope to see you around, so to speak at some point! *waves*

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