just li'l me
i'm a 47 yr old disabled woman. i have two grown up children and two grandchildren.
i'm divorced because of domestic violence (which lasted way too long) but now i'm free
i have travelled a fair bit, am pretty arty, love to paint and draw, write poetry.
ive been a member here for some time but forgot where it was (yeah ok, so i'm blonde too).
if anyone wants to know more, (because i cant think of anything else.) drop me a line...:-)
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Welcome | Jul 29, 2004 |
ACE's greeting laney47! | Jul 29, 2004 |
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Welcome | No Posting | Jul 29, 2004 |
ACE's greeting laney47! | No Posting | Jul 29, 2004 |
Researcher U805798
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."