This is the Message Centre for laney47


Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi there.
Welcome and come around to say hello if you likesmiley - smiley
You can click on any name and go to their page.

I am 51 and disabled at home mostly- no kids smiley - blue so no grandkids smiley - wah

I do enjoy being an Auntiesmiley - gift I have been married for 15 years this *final round*smiley - winkeye
Sorry to hear you were in an abusive relationship.
Congratulations for geting out!

I hope you enjoy the site it has been entertaining to me.
If you need any help just asksmiley - okI'll have to go find some for you! smiley - laughI can do that!

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