A Conversation for Talking Point: Boredom Busters

Tea Bag Splat

Post 1


Tea Bag Splat:
Materials: Lots and lots of Tea-bags.
Thick A1 Or huge paper
A few plastic mixing bowls or tubs
Food Dye of Various Colours
Aprons- this gets messy

Mix the food dye with water in your bowls or tubs. Throw in the tea bags and let them soak- you need quite a few so it's best to use your emergency tescos own tea bags than your Twinings earl grey!

Tape the paper to the floor of your kitchen or anywhere wipe clean. (this really does get messy!) You need thick paper as the tea bags will be wet.

Cover children with aprons to avoid ruining anyones clothes.

Let children hurl coloured tea bags as paper. Fun!
Join in, it's quite theraputicsmiley - biggrin

Tea Bag Splat

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Thanks for that LittleD. Sounds like you'd have artworks worthy of Jackson Pollock by the end too.

Tea Bag Splat

Post 3


I was going to wait for more people to post but clearly no-one else is that excited about it like me!
Another awesome activity is Cornflour. Mix with food dye and a scent like vanilla or coffee essence. Mix the cornflour with water until quite thick.
This is fun because, if you get it the right thickness, you run your fingers over it and it will seperate as if solid then quickly fall liquid again. Likewise when you pick it up in your hands it will feel like dough-then just as quickly run through your fingers!

I'm so excited about this- I've got millions of ideas- I should write a book or something!
smiley - biggrin

Tea Bag Splat

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Well, keep them coming. They're gratefully received. smiley - ok

Tea Bag Splat

Post 5

MonkeyS- all revved up with no place to go

I remember doing something like that when I was little, we had some rolls of lining paper pinned to the side of the shed, then we all posed up against it while a grown up drew around us. We then loaded up the tea bags with paint and filled the sillhouettes in!! As I recall, very messy but great fun!

Don't think next doors cat enjoyed it quite as much!! smiley - biggrin

Tea Bag Splat

Post 6


LittleD - please write a book.
I have an 8 year old and her constant troupe of friends in and out all day, you are welcome to use them as guinea pigs for your ideas smiley - hamster (nearly a guinea pig!)

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