Talking Point: Boredom Busters

2 Conversations

A bored child.

It's that time of year again. Schools all over these isles have now officially broken up for the summer holidays. Which means days and days of blissful freedom and a break from schoolwork for children, and one long dilemma for their parents - what to do to keep them entertained.

For those of us with kids the pressure is on to think of activities that tear them away from the goggle box and send them out to enjoy the sunshine1. So - any ideas?

  • What do you do to keep your little ones entertained during those endless days of summer?

  • Are there activities you can do without resorting to costly theme parks or cinema trips? Is it possible to keep them amused without it costing a packet?

  • And what if you're stuck in the house. There are already tips for party games on this site, but are there any other surefire ways of holding their attention when the weather holds you captive?

1While it lasts. Quick run!

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