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My Guestbook

Post 101


Hello Evan

Yes it is the BAE Woodford I'm close to, about 2 miles, and when they used to have airshows we just watched from the garden. I didn't know they had a daily shuttle to Farnborough though. I think the best display was by the Russian Sukoi that does the vertical take off. We watched from the front garden and it was quite amazing. They haven't had any for the last couple of years unfortunately.

I expect you are pleased the weather is getting milder and the mornings a bit lighter for your rounds. Are you still on the early shift?

Did you hear JV today with the April Fool topic about the Germans and French wanting to ditch the Euro and join the pound? I thought it was hilarious. I heard it first when he was having his chat with Ken Bruce and thought immediately it was a hoax!

Well must go and make the tea. I just realised I'm always going to do something with food just after I've posted on here!

I remember one year when there was a Russian VTOL aircraft at Farnborough airshow. It worked differently from our Harrier and when it (The Russian one) took off it scorched & damaged the runway! It was banned from flying for the rest of the show. Alas I didn't see it's display smiley - sadface. We're not close enough to watch the show from my back garden but can certainly hear the military fast jets when they do their turns! We do get some of the shuttle helecopters before & after the show fly over us. We also used to see some of the show exhibits fly around after the show itself but, alas that doesn't seem to happen nowadays.

Will have to give JV a listen. Trouble is I sometimes fall asleep when he's on. Not out of boredom I hasten to add. But at least I can 'listen again' and skip the bits I don't enjoy for some reason or another.

Lord Evan Elpuss

My Guestbook

Post 102



I had a look at the JV thread and it reminded me of when we had an Asian couple living next-door to us, she was Indian, he was Pakistani.
One evening the lady knocked on our door and asked my husband if he would have a look in their loft because there was water coming down. My husband said: "Is Mr Chowdery not here then?" "yes, but he daren't go into the loft."
My husband went with her and came down from the loft and said: "I'm afraid I can't help you, you must get a plumber."
Next day we saw them in the front garden. "Did you get a plumber?" my husband asked?
"No, but we've been praying all night.!"

PG I don't know if that is possible, I'm not too good with this board, but there is this Pheloxi on my "friends" list. Can you have a look? It's a bit like we were talking about yesterday, language difficulties.

I don't understand that Dutch h2g2. They all live in Holland and then try and converse in English on this board, wouldn't you thinkthey'd have something similar there?

Hope you enjoyed your evening with your Chinese friends.
We used to go to a lovely Chinese Restaurant in Ham, the food was delicious and the waiters like friends. Wonderful.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom XX

My Guestbook

Post 103




The thread on Pheloxi I referred to was about Dutch politician being shot.


smiley - love

smiley - zoom

My Guestbook

Post 104

Researcher U634370

Hello anyone there??

I'm back!!!! Lucy's been in hospital smiley - sadface Missed the Eclipse chat I see, we were there too in France that is!! It fell on our 15th Wedding anniversary.

Any drinks going in this boozer? How have I become a reference entry Catch the Fish I see Lord E and Flybynight have noticed and left a message, what's going on?????!!!!!!

I'm helping myself to a smiley - stiffdrink

The CB seems dead! What's happening?

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

My Guestbook

Post 105



There you are then, got here first!!
You may well ask what's happening in the CB. Some days things have been almost back to normal and then yesterday the announcement:The clout is back.(he says his pooter broke down)
So, the likes of me have scarpered again.

I thought the "Catch the fish" was YOUR doing. Strange goings on, eh?

I must keep an eye on the clock as I want to see Rick Stein, I do like him and his program, being a bit of a foodie.

Has Evan come up with the smiley - redwine yet?

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

My Guestbook

Post 106

Researcher U634370

No you beat me I've just posted back there!!! Strange about the Catch the Fish unless it's the moving fish I am using that is referenced? Perhaps Corrie will know!?

I clicked on the entry and found you and Lord E had left a message so I thought you knew smiley - laugh

I've bought the corkscrew smiley - redwine coming up........oooh that's better I can feel the warming effects.

I don't worry about Clout any more just take him with a pinch of salt he's just living up to his name. Shame about the CB parties though, perhaps they will come back.
smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

BD smiley - fish

My Guestbook

Post 107


Hello BDsmiley - fish

I was wondering where you were? Good to see you back. You mean to say that 'catch the fish' thing sounds rather fishy do you?
smiley - redwine coming up for you and smiley - zoom

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss

My Guestbook

Post 108

Researcher U634370

Oooh you are such an attentive host our wish is your command.

I was just saying quite a little harem you have here!!!?

It is VERY fishy I guess I must have been caught!!! What the heck you have to smiley - laugh.

I'm off for my supper. Perhaps pop back later for a top up of smiley - redwine

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

My Guestbook

Post 109


But have you had your chips though BDsmiley - fish?! smiley - laugh
smiley - winkeye
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss

My Guestbook

Post 110


Write here....

Dropped by to say hello and how are ya? Bought smiley - ale. I love real ale as well. Sadly I don't get out to the pub as often as I used to but the one I go to is a real ale tied house.

Miss going to beer festivals though.

My Guestbook

Post 111


Hello Wimblin,

Welcome to my humble boozer. Hope the ale is to your liking. I too, don't go to pubs as much as I used to. I do make my own beer. I recently spent a weekend at Reading Beer festival and was at Farnham's Beerex the week before. It's likely to be some month's before I get to another though!

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss

My Guestbook

Post 112

Researcher U634370

Can a girl get a drink after hours here? smiley - winkeye!

Missed the last few minutes of Jason too how frustrating!!

See you soon.

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


My Guestbook

Post 113


Course you can!!
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss-all (As I now am)

My Guestbook

Post 114

Researcher U634370

You can be in two places at once now!!! That's fun....

Another smiley - bubbly please smiley - kiss

BD smiley - fish

My Guestbook

Post 115


It sure is isn't it! I found my old space by trawling around YOUR guestbook (Left you a message in it by the way) trying to follow the sheep!
Want a nightcap? smiley - bubbly
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss-all

My Guestbook

Post 116

Researcher U634370

Yeah go on then make it a large baileys.....tell me about my Guestbook!smiley - laugh Had a run in with a certain person last night about it! Hopefully I will melt into oblivion eventually!

Down the hatch!

BD smiley - fishsmiley - kiss

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