A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

the north end

Post 1

Electric Dreams

Take a seat smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 2

Electric Dreams

A set of second hand pub seats ( you know the sort) that fixes to the wall under the bay windows, lots of dried flowers and spices hanging from the curtain rails and a few potted plants on the window ledge, just in behind the stolen wooden pub table (you know the type), taken out side in the summer and got lost at my house), and four high backed wooden chairs... . And the walls at this end are papered with that silly red flock paper (pub-ish like). It's warm and friendly, where people could come and relax and have tea in the afternoon. Or dig up some long lost recipes for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinners. The radio is on top of the freezer http://www.radio-locator.com/

the north end

Post 3

moved to new address

I think I'll sit in here - it's very comfy.smiley - biggrin The herbs smell nice and there's music. I notice some kids have follwed me in.

Is there any smiley - coffee

Corriesmiley - earth

the north end

Post 4

Electric Dreams

Wonders over, puts on the kettle for a pot of tea, gets the coffee out of the cupboard. Makes a cup of coffee for Corrie.

the north end

Post 5

Electric Dreams

Picksup the Baked Cherry Cheesecake with Yogurt and transports the lot over to the table, and give Corri her Coffee, puts the cheesecake in the middle of the table for all the help them salves to. Nips back for forks and paper napkins smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Hiya Electric Shepard

My friend Corrie smiley - earth pointed me north and here I am!! Nice to meet you. I see there is some smiley - coffee and smiley - cheesecake would it be smiley - ok if I joined you, if there's a spare seat on the comfy pub seats?

BDG smiley - fish

the north end

Post 7

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya BDG

Yep feel free, nice to meet you,
How are you getting on, on H2G2?
Nice thing about Virtual worlds they expand.
This one is a bit different, more like a collaborative writhing work place with chat site bolted on the end, still I like it.
O BTW I see CB in your convocations, can you tell me what that is please.

smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 8

Researcher U634370

Hi thanks this smiley - cheesecake it is delicious!! A few of us have come from the Radio2 Coffee Bar message board, the number one station in the UK!!! That's how we all met. You can find us by clicking on Radio at the top of the page and selecting R2, then you will see the message boards. Hope you don't mind me asking are you from North America?

This place is fascinating a brilliant idea!

BDG smiley - biggrin

the north end

Post 9

Electric Dreams

HI-ya BDG.
Thanks for the Info, will take a look
From  America, Nop, I was born on an US air bases in Banbury UK, and have lived in the UK all my life, my family is from Connecticut, I did not realise it still showed, must try harder to hide it..
O Feel free to add your favourite recipe to the south side and then it will be on the menu.
Are you going to make your own world here?

the north end

Post 10

Researcher U634370

Hi Again smiley - biggrin

I think it was your Radio link that made me think perhaps you were American. My hubby is the chef in our family so I will try and post a receipe when I get chance. Spending far too much time on here, it's a bit addictive!! I'm not very imaginative so I'm not sure about my own world, will probably write some articles for the guide though when I pluck up the courage!!

Your doing well you have a super kitchen here and I'm sure it will become a meeting place, the smiley - cheesecake was delicious. See you soon must smiley - run and do some jobs!!!

BDG smiley - biggrin

the north end

Post 11


Hi BDG - just struggled up the North End Road! Is there any smiley - cake left - all that gallumphing has made me rather fatigued and in desperate need of some smiley - tea. (Looks round appreciately). Nice place this! Good atmosphere. Don't know about the red flock wallpaper, but the seats are nice and comfortable. Do you know, I had one just like this nicked from my back garden last summer.....
Can't remember the last time I was given a fork to eat cake with. Standards must be rising.
Hello - you must be electricshererd. I'm essjay, how do you do? Thanks for the hospitality.
Think Corrie must have had to leave in a hurry again - must be something to do with the kids. Nice to catch up on all your banter in the CB after I log out at 5.00 p.m. your time... makes amusing reading first thing in the morning. Got to smiley - run gotta deal with an hysterial Italian!! Maybe catch up with you later? smiley - biggrin

All the best to you - Essjay x

the north end

Post 12

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya essjay
Welcome, nice to meet you, feel free to call back anytime.
I’m fine thanks how’s you, good I trust.
I have a few things to do, so I will be back later.
have a nice day now smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 13

moved to new address

Hello ES, Essjay and BDG.

Just got in from a fantastic day with my daughter. Husband and son home soon so must go and cook something (recipe later).

It is lovely in here.smiley - cool We must all drift back later. I may indeed sample this utterly smiley - devilsmiley - cheesecake, although it must be accompanied with smiley - redwine. Have you got a licence ES?smiley - biggrin

Just had a thought. Are we allowed to eat dead sheep in here? If not, will keep those recipes to myself.smiley - winkeye

Oh, glass empty - back later.smiley - run

Lots of love,

Corrie smiley - earth

the north end

Post 14

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya all

Have you got a licence ? smiley - erm Nop, smiley - sadface

but I have got a wine cellar,

will that do smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 15

Researcher U634370

Hi again ES

Hope you don't mind I've put a link on my page to you!! I could do with a wine cellar I've got through crates of smiley - bubbly this afternoon!!! smiley - biggrin

Glad you had a good day Corrie see you later for a glass of smiley - redwine or two!!!

BDG smiley - kiss


the north end

Post 16

moved to new address

I smiley - love it here!!!!! smiley - biggrin

Alan has found us! His name (on h2g2)is ROYGBIV. Have put him in my friends. Hope he finds his way here - if not we'll have to go and find him and drag his butt over here.

What do you think to this: should I get my Man to join us? Are you ready for him, though?

He smiley - love Douglas Adams so much and can recite whole chunks of his books! He is very clever (worried he and Pond Girl will get on too well!)

Did I say I smiley - love h2g2?

HAS ANYONE CHECKED OUT THE MOON TONIGHT????? It's glorious. Full moon in Virgo (that's my sign). God is marvellous.

Corrie smiley - moon

the north end

Post 17


Hallo all my old and new mates!smiley - biggrin

So, here's where you've all got to. I might have known. A wine cellar. We could smell it, couldn't we?smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Is there any of that delicious cake left? I've just eaten my roast chicken etc. plenty left if anybody wants some.

See you all soon,


Catharina (AKA FLYBYNIGHT)smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

the north end

Post 18

Researcher U634370

Hi Corrie

Just checked out the moon your right its glorious, I'm a virgo toooooo!!! I smiley - love it here too! Oh your right God is wonderful!!

Don't know about your man have you got more than one computer!!! My man says he wants a laptop!! Have you seen how many have come from the CB this afternoon. I've got through crates of smiley - bubbly

It's a wonderful cyber world.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

the north end

Post 19


Have been given directions by BDG and i must say what a lovely place this is electric sheperd (can i call you ES?). I was just wondering if i could have some steak and chips cos i am famished, if it's not too much trouble that is. Obviously must try some of that fantasticsmiley - cake(sorry can't fins the one you lot have used) for pudding.

By the way the drinks are on mesmiley - oksmiley - cheers

the north end

Post 20

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya initialFLYBYNIGHT

Hi-ya hendrixgal

Welcome to h2g2. I see your finding your way around then.
Yep ES is just fine thanks smiley - smiley
Do I call you hendrixgal or VC,

Yep you can have steak and chips with mushrooms, places plate on table, the steam rises from the hot food and the aroma of fresh stake and chips fills the air, puts down cutlery wrapped in a napkin next to the plate and a small green salad in a white bowl.
There ya go, bon’ apptit.

O btw all the dinks are on the house; actually they are down in the wine cellar, Just help your salves, nice thing about virtual booze it never runs out. But feel free to bring in a list if I don’t have it in the cellar, and I will pick it up on the next shopping trip

smiley - smiley

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