A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

At the south end

Post 1

Electric Dreams

grab a spoon and start mixing smiley - smiley

At the south end

Post 2

Electric Dreams

And how are you on this bright and sunny day, with the smell of spring in the air, not forgetting the aviation fuel.
A naughty little day....! yep defiantly a day for a little naughtiness again.

What to have for breakfast decisions, decisions, decisions, Mmmmmmmm breakfast what to have for breakfast. Hawaii breakfast omelette I think...Not hade one for ages.
lets see, I need

Butter or Cooking oil
Dill to taste or Salt and pepper to taste "but not both"
3 bullied, eggs
Diced Sweet red pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon honey
1 diced or sliced mango to taste
1 Green or white salad
Sauté the sweet red pepper with butter or cooking oil, in a regular frying pan,
Day o,
Season with dill, or salt and pepper and put in a cup.
pour the eggs in to a hot regular frying pan and then the Sauté sweet red pepper on one side ,
Say daylight come an' me wanna go home.
Hey Mr. Tallyman, come tally me banana.
When cooked throw in the dices mango on same side of the eggs and fold the omelette in half, covering the Sweet red pepper and mango. place under the salamander grill till brown.
Say, daylight come an' me wanna go home.
Serve to plate, spoon the honey over the omelette and add one green or white side salad .
All you people come an' play on the piano.
Daylight come an' me wanna go home.
chase down with ..

At the south end

Post 3

Electric Dreams

Mmmm, look what i just found.

Baked Cherry Cheesecake with Yogurt

OK, I will need..
for the base
175g digestive biscuits, crushed
50g ground almonds
75g unsalted butter, or low fat marg melted

for the filling
75g pack dried cherries or blueberries
2 x 15ml spoons, brandy, or fruit juice if preferred(test first)
250g cheese or full-fat soft cheese
150g of cherry or wild blueberry yogurt
50g caster sugar
3 medium eggs
icing sugar to DTC (Dust The Crust).

OK go..

Preheat the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4. Lightly grease a 20cm loose bottomed cake tin and line with baking paper or foil.

Whoa! My love, my darling,
I hunger for your touch,
Alone. Lonely time.
And time goes by, so slowly,
And time can do so much,
Are you still mine?
I need your love.
I need your love.
God speed your love to me.

For the base,
mix together the biscuits, ground almonds and melted butter in a bowl. Press evenly into the base of the tin.

Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea,
To the open arms of the sea.
Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for me,
I'll be coming home, wait for me.

Meanwhile, for the filling, gently heat the dried fruit, alcohol or fruit juice with 3x15ml spoons water in a saucepan for 10 minutes, or until the fruit is plump and has absorbed all the liquid.

Whoa! My love, my darling,
I hunger, hunger!, for your love,
For love. Lonely time.
And time goes by, so slowly,
And time can do so much,
Are you still mine?
I need your love.
I need your love.
God speed your love to me.

Whisk together the cheese, yogurt, sugar and eggs. Stir in the dried fruit, then pour the mixture over the biscuit base in the tin.

Cook for 50–55 minutes in the preheated oven, or until set and risen.

Cookings tip .....smiley - smiley
This is delicious made with other yogurts. Try using the plum yogurt and substituting chopped prunes for the dried cherries or blueberries.

Allow to cool in the tin. Remove and serve lightly dusted with icing sugar. 's

At the south end

Post 4

Electric Dreams

Chocolate Pizza...!

Well I'll need ...
2 cups semisweet chocolate morsels ( tend to brake up 3 bars Galaxy my self )
16 ounces white almond bark, divided in 2 parts, 14oz and 2oz (maths is get good)
1 Mug of cereal "rice crisp's" , "frosty" (but not sugar puffs) "speaks for experience"
1 cup peanuts (or not, optional)
2 cups miniature marshmallows, + a few extra to pick at
6 ounce jar red maraschino cherries, drained, cut into halves
2 tablespoons drained green maraschino cherry quarters ( or the likes)
1/2 cup shredded coconut ( or the likes)
1 teaspoon vegetable oilRight then...
Mix the chocolate morsels and 14 ounces of the almond bark in a heavy 2-quart saucepan. Cook over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly. then remove from heat.
Add the cereal and peanuts and mix well. Stir in the marshmallows. Spread in a greased 12-inch pizza pan. Top with the cherries. Sprinkle with the coconut. Combine the remaining 2 ounces almond bark and oil in a 1-quart saucepan. Cook over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly. Drizzle over the chocolate mixture in a cris cross action.. . Chill covered, until set. Store at room temperature. On the shelf at the south end of the room.

then eat the leftover Chocolate

At the south end

Post 5

Electric Dreams

C124 Recipes

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