A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

The wine cellar

Post 1

Electric Dreams

It dark, well untill you turn on the light

Well I keep the 4 servers down there, on the north wall and the south wall's have got the wine racks, and in the middle is the snooker table and not forgetting the bar on the east wall. and the small juke box just behind the door on the west wall, and a odd few cardboard boxes with things from my past under the old sofa, (mostly because I have no more room in the loft.) and a roll of very nosey roofing felt, looking very smug and salt important.

OK, the wines

3X 1994 B. V. Georges de Latour, a nice CALIFORNIA CABERNET
5X 1993 Moët et Chandon, White Star, a cheap CHAMPAGNE
3X 1990 Corison Wines
3X 1995 Diamond Creek,
3X 1995 Hedges Cellars, Red Mountain Reserve

A bit of WASHINGTONSTATE for after dinner
6X 1993 Land & Reed, Premier Etage

Some red form the red ALIFORNIA CABERNET

3X, 1997 Atlas Peak, Sangiovese, CALIFORNIA ITALIAN
3X 1995 Beringer, Private Reserve CALIFORNIA CHARDONNAY
3X 1991 Lolonis, Petite Syrah CALIFORNIA RHONE. Arrr
5X 1999 Frog's Leap Winery, a bit of CALIFORNIA MERLOT,

for the confused days

3X, La Famiglia di Robert Mondavi, Pinot Grigio CALIFORNIA WHITE for the kids(after I've left of the top for a day)
2X 1994 Tyrrell's, Shiraz, Stevens, Hunter Valley
Hum 38, and now the beers and spirits.

Any preferences anyone!

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The wine cellar

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