A Conversation for Sheperd 's Kitchen

the north end

Post 41


Found you all - although it seems that some of you may have gone home already!

Think I'll settle down with a nice glass of something; the looks excellent.

Well looks like Corrie has her work cut out looking after this place for a week - looking forward to lunch tomorrow - wonder what she's cooking up for that?

Ruthsmiley - smiley

the north end

Post 42

Researcher U634370

Hi Ruth

How are you doing, Corrie's doing a grand job I have every confidence in her!!! I'm still finding my feet it's all smiley - ufo's and different how's the Scout Site? Did you manage to get everything done yesterday?

Must smiley - run want to try and do some more with my page!!

BDG smiley - fish

the north end

Post 43

moved to new address

Hi Ruth,

What do you fancy for lunch? There's not much of the Mexican food left, so pleased that went down well.smiley - biggrin I was thinking maybe an Asian theme tomorrow - lots of curry and chapatis? Would that be alright with everyone, do you think?

How did your escalator stuff go today? Bet you'll be on a perpetual escalator ride in your sleep. I hate the dreams that go on and on all night, especialy when I'm trying to balance a spread-sheet!!!!! Boring, or what?smiley - erm

Just watched BBC1 - there was a documentary about a man called Adrian who unfortunately had a very large brain tumour. Where he and his partner got their strength from I don't know. The surgeon, called Henry, was remarkable. Not your average surgeon. I smiley - wah buckets, of course.

smiley - yawnGoing to smiley - zzz soon - have lots of chapatis and curry bases to prepare.

Would you like some of this smiley - redwine before I disappear?

the north end

Post 44


Morning All

Curries and chappaties sounds great!

Just got in from a breakfast meeting, so need to have a quick walk around the village if I'm going to make room for all this food!

Sorted out the Space Elevator - incredible stuff! Think I should be ok for my presentation on Thursday, say a prayer for me, it's some more work, which I could do with at the moment.

As for the Scout site - got some work done on it, the history of Dorking Scouts will have to wait a bit longer for uploading, as I think it would be a good idea to link relevant sections to the different groups and hyperlink some of the text as well; and I have training courses to write (that brings in the money!) and my studying to do, and assessing other peoples work for their qualifications, so all in all a busy few days ahead.

Wish me luck for Saturday - the Explorer Scout Unit I'm leader of is taking part in the annual Swimarathon - we swim in teams of 6, relay style, and have to do as many lengths (50m) in 55 minutes as we can! We raise money for the Unit and for a couple of charities and I get to swim - yippee! I then fall in a heap at the end!

Well best get the post opened and some bills paid.

Catch you all later

Ruthsmiley - smiley

the north end

Post 45

Electric Dreams

Wonders in with a tray full of Chocolate Pizza,

A few ’s and sits down at the table, pulls out a smiley - book and put up the feet on a chair

the north end

Post 46

moved to new address

Did I wake you?smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 47

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya Mustard Seed

Nop smiley - winkeye

Hows you then?

the north end

Post 48

moved to new address

Home now, ES.

So, what were you reading? More Philip K. Dick? The only other one I attempted was Valis - strange concept - being rationally insane. At least it seemed strange at 21. At 39 seems rather plausible.

Do you still want to help me? Couple of things I need to know but, be warned, you'll have to explain in 'baby language'.

Tried the last 'hint' and didn't work, whatever it was. Not your fault - mine!!!

the north end

Post 49


Hi Fly( Miss American Pie.....must stop singing that !!!) I've missed you back at the old CB. I've only just arrived here.Feels a bit strange but now I know I am among friends, things are looking better.I know that I probably shouldn't mention this in here,...but..Did you know that the Coffee Bar has got a For Sale board up? Seems that trade has gone down since you lot left.....they had a job to make ends meet.Thankfully I popped in there tonight and the place was heaving. Lots of new customers, and guess who is back?.....Bonnylass !!!It was great to see her again.

This place is nice though isn't it. I beleive they don't use Greenwich Mean Time here ....Come and go at all hours of the day and night I've heard..Never mind it's nice to know if you can't sleep, there's always somebody to speak to.P'raps I'll see you in here tomorrow. I'm thinking of changing my name,so you may not recognise me. Al Zima seems a bit..you know..sorta'..well, old.If I'm going to dive into some of the sites over here, I've got to get some street cred....Oh dear..it isn't me really, is it?

Just Al then..Sorry I've gone on such a lot...but it's GREAT to see you.

Fondest wotsits


the north end

Post 50

moved to new address


Just smiley - smiley U have found us.

smiley - love CB smiley - earth

the north end

Post 51


Thank you MS
Have I met you in a previous life?


the north end

Post 52


Welcome Al,
You might recognise me as Postie Phil on the R2 MB's. Yes it's such a shame what's happened on the R2 boards. Pity they can't permanently get rid of that 'troll'. I haven't posted nearly as much on there recently.
Feel free to drop into my bit anytime. smiley - ok
That goes for everyone. smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss

the north end

Post 53

moved to new address

Don't want the smiley - evilgrin to find us so use a different name ...
but I was/am Corrie
smiley - earth

the north end

Post 54


Hence my change of name. Don't mind my friends knowing my R2 handle though. smiley - ok

Lord Evan Elpuss

the north end

Post 55


Hello dad
I've just joined, me and the brood of kids can talk to you even more now. smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 56

moved to new address

Hello and welcome.smiley - smiley

smiley - ermDo I know you?

smiley - earth

the north end

Post 57


hello mustardseed smiley - smiley
I am new here but this is my dad's page smiley - smiley
Hope to speak again soon got to feed little one smiley - devil

the north end

Post 58

moved to new address

I am so pleased to meet you. Me and my beautiful friend, Belly Dancing Goldfish smiley - hsif absolutely adore your dad! He has been so patient with us as we try to find our feet. We smiley - love the North End of Shepherd's Kitchen.

I wish my dad would come here - no way though. He refuses to buy a computer!

Please come and meet the crowd of Radio 2 Message Board defectors - we're in here or Comfort Corner usually.smiley - smiley

smiley - earth

the north end

Post 59


hiya smiley - smiley Mustard seed
Is it o.k to add you to my friends list?

Baby had his dinner and a quick nap now i am going to do one of my favourite pastimes..."shopping" smiley - smileysmiley - handbag Now that i have become a lady of lesiure smiley - bubbly i can spend hubbies hard earned cash smiley - winkeye
smiley - chick
Speak soon smiley - smiley

the north end

Post 60

moved to new address

Course you can. Your list will grow once you meet smiley - hsifsmiley - zoomsmiley - alesmiley - redwinesmiley - peacedovesmiley - bluefish and everyone else at Comfort Corner.

Enjoy the smiley - handbag

smiley - earth

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