A Conversation for A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A2359479 - A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

Post 1


Entry: A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help! - A2359479
Author: HappyEeyore - U539546

I'm hoping this acorn may have a future

A2359479 - A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

Post 2


Hi HE, [sorry for the double post, I left this on the other page]

I'm assuming that you weren't serious, as much as I just *love* the name you suggested. smiley - ok It may have occurred to you sooner or later, but it's not the likenesses of various world religions that get noticed much. It's the differences that always bollix things up.

Have you read Hitchiker's? Are you familiar with the Babel Fish? smiley - fish

Your website idea, if created, could similarly cause more and bloodier wars than anything in human history!!

smiley - towel

(PS: If you were serious: The real trick would be getting those already held in a pre-existing mind-set to visit it. Remember too, with something that easily posted to, you may not like the direction it ultimately takes!)

A2359479 - A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

Post 3


smiley - applause
Just read it, I like the idea of smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco all the time (oh wait I already do!!!) but also you must consider, new religions might not go very far, mainly for the fact that someone cannot just make up a religion one day, and also if you came out of a person who is your god.

However, finally an opening smiley - applause here I will raise the point of all religions are advertised, and if nothing ever existed, then how did there become a god?

It seems that there may not be a god, but really we may just be like a computer, we live in part of our brains, and when we die, our brains join the internet (the difference here, is its free unlike the £25 a month charge for freeserve <LOL&gtsmiley - winkeye and so we go to a place that has been set up like a huge internet (heaven?) where we all get our own domain (whatever we want, we could live in a garden or whatever) and then we live there and can connect to others??

Dont know but its an idea...

Anyway yeah good luck with your website but I cant see it suceeding either....
Also the only way you could make the type of website your on about could cost around £10,000. You need to take into account the software, the internet, the domain, the space, the packages, the emails, the publicity, everything really.
I wanted a basic domain in my name and it came out to £100+ so sorry to shoot an arrow through your balloon..

But still, good luck!

A2359479 - A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

Post 4


Thank you both for your replies. I believe there is a website called babelfish (which translates most languages) I'm sure there must be a H2G2 link or parental ownership issue. I've just finished watching The meaning of Life (Python) and like they say at the end it's fairly obvious what we all have to do but we just keep getting distracted by (Anyone for a cup of tea) trivia.
Seeing as this acorn has started to grow and not being in a position to afford the website capability suggested. How about using one that is already in existance ans evolving...............like H2G2 would that work?
Let the DISCO commence!!!smiley - cool

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A2359479 - A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

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