A Conversation for A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

I love the name!!

Post 1


Hi HE,

I'm assuming that you weren't serious, as much as I just *love* the name you suggested.smiley - ok It may have occurred to you sooner or later, but it's not the likenesses of various world religions that get noticed much. It's the differences that always bollix things up.

Have you read Hitchiker's? Are you familiar with the Babel Fish? smiley - fish

Your website idea, if created, could similarly cause more and bloodier wars than anything in human history!!

smiley - towel

(PS: If you were serious: The real trick would be getting those already held in a pre-existing mind-set to visit it. Remember too, with something that easily posted to, you may not like the direction it ultimately takes!)

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I love the name!!

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