A great idea for a website. The future of Mankind! Please help!

2 Conversations

Had a great idea the other day so I thought I'd share it! I was reading a book about 'World Religions' and it struck me how similar they all are. Having watched on the side-lines so far I also couldn't help noticing that even though they're so a like most of our arguments and conflicts are caused by religious 'one-up manship'.
Now here comes the idea. All religions have spread through word of mouth/advertisement. Could the same not be done for a new approach to spiritual thought via the Internet? A website where each religious group (and scientists) could post a daily thought (somehow translate-able). A website where those reaching could join in the celebration of festivals and share in the latest philosophical ideas (we may be able to fill a whole year with partying). This new way of thinking could harness all of the positive aspects of the Internet (world reaching, accessible and without influence).
Anyone with any top tips on setting something like this up please join in. I think it should be called the 42 Followers of the Gourd and the Sandal (until we get a better idea).

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